

slang Any person whose name is not known, cannot be remembered, or is being avoided. A: "We have to talk to Ms. Whoozis again to see what she remembers about the incident." B: "You mean Ms. Martens. I'll reach out to her in the morning." Tom said to make sure you don't leave that whoozis on overnight, or it could short-circuit the whole building. A: "They're having a meeting about whoozis at the moment." B: "Ah, I understand. Let me know when they're finished."


slang Any person or thing whose name is not known, cannot be remembered, or is being avoided. A: "We have to talk to Ms. Whoozit again to see what she remembers about the incident." B: "You mean Ms. Martens. I'll reach out to her in the morning." Tom said to make sure you don't leave the whoozit on overnight, or it could short-circuit the whole building. A: "They're having a meeting about whoozit at the moment." B: "Ah, I understand. Let me know when they're finished."
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


and whoozit (ˈhuzɪs and ˈhuzɪt)
n. a name for a person whose real name is forgotten or being avoided. I met whoozis—you know, with the big whatsis—today.


See whoozis
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • whoosis
  • whoozis
  • whosit
  • waddaya
  • whaddya
  • what do you call (someone)/it
  • what-d'you-call-him/-her/-it/-them
  • what's-his/her/their-name
  • whatsit
  • whatzit
References in periodicals archive
(65.) See discussion infra Section II.A.2; see also PACC, supra note 4, at 592 (using the fictional "Judge Whoozit" in a hypothetical wherein lawyers in Alaska band together in an attempt to discredit a deficient judge--McNealy was using this hypothetical to claim that the general public would not be swayed by such an attempt because "Judge Whoozit" would be able to convince them that the lawyers were trying to sabotage him).
One person is designated as the Whoozit and with the options of bubble-gum, climbing trees, knitting, or pinball machines, (for example), all players (except the Whoozit) choose the one thing they think the Whoozit would pick as his/her most favorite from the list of four.
Whoozit - This whimsical character gives babies so much to do.
If you are looking for nursery equipment and toys, head for Nursery-times.com on Ilfracombe Gardens to find brands such as Graco, Out & About, Cosatto, Brio, Whoozit, Daisy Roots and Orchard Toys.
Whoozit by Manhattan Toy Company (http://www.mtctoy.com [800] 541-1345) does not have to be adapted and it provides great visual and sensory stimulation.
Seuss or a special edition of Dungeons & Dragons to achieve its final apotheosis in the realm of Whoozits and elves.