

1. slang Chatty; inclined to talk. My barber was really yakky when I went to get my haircut, but I was so tired that I really didn't feel like talking. My toddler has become so yakky now that she can express herself better.
2. slang Nauseated or queasy; inclined or about to vomit. I was pretty yakky during the first trimester of my pregnancy, but the nausea seemed to vanish after that. That roller coaster left everyone feeling yakky afterward.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


mod. talkative. He’s a yakky old man, but I like him.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • ball
  • balls
  • swellheaded
  • take a long walk off a short pier
  • pier
  • Who can say?
  • Who can tell?
  • at the back of beyond
  • Who's to say?
  • coulda
References in periodicals archive
(6.) Romero Elizabeth, Maccausland Yakky, Solorzano Lucy.
Narrated by a comic pair of animals, a yakky flamingo and an interrupting anteater, "The Goat of Many Colors" tells the tale of a diving goat with special gifts who finds his true calling in a herd of wild goats after being rejected because of his differentness by the regular herd.
Yogi Bear got his own show in 1961, to be joined by Snagglepuss, Yakky Doodle and, eventually, Magilla Gorilla, Wally Gator and Jabberjaw.
In his first two books, Little Star and Tasker Street, Halliday established an identity as a quirky, likeable practitioner of the plain-style, a yakky, attractively neurotic but buoyant observer of pedestrian American life; an offspring of O'Hara and Williams, a surveryor of the romantic-demotic type.