1. slang Chatty; inclined to talk. My barber was really yakky when I went to get my haircut, but I was so tired that I really didn't feel like talking. My toddler has become so yakky now that she can express herself better.
2. slang Nauseated or queasy; inclined or about to vomit. I was pretty yakky during the first trimester of my pregnancy, but the nausea seemed to vanish after that. That roller coaster left everyone feeling yakky afterward.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
(ˈjæki) mod. talkative. He’s a yakky old man, but I like him.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- ball
- balls
- swellheaded
- take a long walk off a short pier
- pier
- Who can say?
- Who can tell?
- at the back of beyond
- Who's to say?
- coulda