"Can't you put it simply in
words of one syllable?"
The Wisdom Of Father Brown
I think that having learned our letters we should read the best that is in literature, and not be forever repeating our a-b-abs, and
words of one syllable, in the fourth or fifth classes, sitting on the lowest and foremost form all our lives.
Walden & on the Duty of Civil Disobedience
Composed of
words of one syllable, for literary babes who never tire of testifying their delight in the vapid compound by appropriate googoogling.
The Devils Dictionary
"Bill" was a sturdy fellow, aged four-and-twenty, an excellent stone-sawyer, who could get as good wages as any man in the trade of his years; but he found a reading lesson in
words of one syllable a harder matter to deal with than the hardest stone he had ever had to saw.
Adam Bede
Despite constantly stating in
words of one syllable that the exit deal will not be renegotiated the EU negotiating team are astonished that the Brexiters are still claiming that they can do better than the previous team of incompetents.
Put our country before Tory party
Scotland's chief prosector would no doubt be able to produce plenty of reasons for this if he was ever moved to properly communicate in
words of one syllable with the public to whom he is supposed to answer.
Reputation of our public institutions is shamed by glacial pace of justice for Sheku Bayoh's family; Sunday Mail OPINION PROBE INTO DAD'S DEATH IS A NATIONAL DISGRACE
Alison Conway, from Northumberland and Tyneside EGB group, said: "Rachael talked about how to make the aides clear and unambiguous -
words of one syllable for the horse.
Horses prepared for their season of endurance; Anna Harris
Shouldn't the PFA - using
words of one syllable to ensure players understand - point out that the manly response to insults is to play better and ignore them?
Walk off? Aces must play on
And for every moronic question I ask, they patiently explain in
words of one syllable.
Making a # of Twitter
In fact I'll do it in
words of one syllable: It is here to stay."
Unapologetic Clegg pledges there'll be more pain ahead
She gave her father and James both barrels - and in
words of one syllable.
Underfire boss Brooks resigns.. at long last
If you were in any doubt as to the political stance of any of our national newspapers, then last Friday's headlines spelt them out in
words of one syllable. Our politicians might still be capable of political discourse, but our papers evidently are not.
Don't let 'em make up your mind for you; viewpoint
The result is cars in places on the table where there is not enough room and they end up falling off or piling on top of each other - I would explain all this to him in easily understood
words of one syllable.Finally, I would tell him that most people would happily pay a toll in order to use a clear flowing, high quality road, such as in France but that is not the case here.
I canAAEt even get out of my own garage
Most of it, I wouldn't know what to do with if it jumped up, bit me on the backside and explained itself in
words of one syllable. Frankly, I'm suspicious about first-time blinkers, tongue straps and the entire handicap system, so the news that a horse has got one in the oven is unlikely to stir me into action.
Punters should not be up in arms - just yet