Plug along, haunted by the feeling that there must be something rath- er better out there and fielding the odd snide comment from the sales director?
Each cable features a single 3.5mm male stereo
plug along with dual (red and white in color) male RCA plugs, allowing audio transfer capability between a stereo source and an RCA output.
ShowMeCables Blows Out Stereo-to-RCA Cables on Humpday
Emerging markets such as China, Brazil, Russia, India and Venezuela are expected to grow by 14% to 17% per year, while mature markets will
plug along at 3% to 6% annual growth.
Pharma sales to grow 5% to 8%, report says; overhaul effects unclear
But the CRF has a wide powerband that kicks in from low down so you can
plug along at slow speeds through the most treacherous terrain.
Prince of the off-roaders; on two wheels
Continue to
plug along everyday, making whatever contribution I can to everything and everybody around me.
Global success; Michael Tien winner of Worcester Academy distinguished alumnus award
A basic starter kit for pressure reaction vessel users includes a needle valve adaptor and stainless steel
plug along with a glass vessel and coupling.
Pressure reaction kits offered in two versions
plug along from day to day in a pedestrian rut of mediocrity, ineffectiveness and futility?
All you have to do is be
plug along, this little radical contingent of teachers, students, and parents.
As I
plug along, investing time into the work that I care about, I hear:
How to keep on keepin' on as a young environmental activist
"One on One" (UPN)--Although ratings for its Monday comedy block are down across the board, this vet continues to
plug along despite airing in its third different timeslot in as many seasons.
Here's to shows that soldier on
The baggage carousel at Los Cabos International Airport reveals just a sampling of the outdoor activities offered throughout the sun-soaked Baja Peninsula: Hard plastic cases cradling golf clubs and zippered totes in the shape of tennis rackets
plug along in fits and starts.
Baja or bust: beyond the beach and the links, the adventures begin in the brilliant waters off Los Cabos
Perhaps not, perhaps we won't see the "golden era" of the '70s and '80s again, but it will
plug along. As baseball great Dizzy Dean said when asked about his sore arm, "Well, it isn't what it used to be, but what the hell is?"
A look ahead at newsletter publishing in 2004
I had a lot of lip-outs but I have stayed patient and continued to
plug along and played the golf course for what it gives me.''
Golf: Monty out to break Major duck
Meanwhile, the group she founded continues to
plug along, making fewer and fewer waves.
As the U.S. Senate Fiddles, CPSC's agenda stews
Regardless he has continued to
plug along. Improvingly his Web based appointment scheduling product and pining for an investment or acquisition opportunity.
Where are they now? Itech startups of the month. (Hightech Coloradobiz)