
Related to wall-eyed: cross-eyed, mechanical strabismus, comitant strabismus, cocked eye


1. slang Having one or both eyes deviating outward from the center of one's face, a condition known as exotropia. Sometimes spelled as a single word. The guy on my blind date was pretty handsome, but he was a bit walleyed and it was really distracting. I've been severely wall-eyed since birth, but I can still see fairly well.
2. slang Having bulging, wide-open eyes, as due to anger, terror, shock, exhaustion, strain, etc. Sometimes spelled as a single word. My parents went totally wall-eyed when I told them I was going to drop out of high school. I could tell he was getting walleyed at the thought of performing in front of so many people.
3. slang Very drunk. Sometimes spelled as a single word. Tom was in a wall-eyed stupor by the end of the night. No thanks, I'd better not have anymore. I get pretty walleyed after just a couple of drinks.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


mod. alcohol intoxicated. Who’s the wall-eyed guy carrying the ham sandwich?
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • put two fingers up at (someone or something)
  • put/stick two fingers up at somebody
  • stick two fingers up at (someone or something)
  • off message
  • on/off message
  • kissy
  • reach out after (someone or something)
  • toe out
  • squint out (of) (something)
  • squint out of
References in periodicals archive
Thus the wall-eyed horse dramatically and ethereally departs from Mrs Littlejohn's boardinghouse, hovering off the veranda like a "hobgoblin and floating, in the moon" (H 1014).
Black backed gulls stare wall-eyed at a place where beach plums once crowned dunes, part river's bottom, part sea's.
Rather, because of an operation on an inward-turning squint when I was a small child, I now have, when tired or not concentrating, the wall-eyed look of a Simpsons character.
Hunter may not be wall-eyed, like the iconic Marty Feldman, but his stooped, leering, mobile hump performance is fervently inspired.
Intellectual companionship is one thing, but for the turban-and-pearls Beauvoir, calling herself wife to the five-foot-tall, wall-eyed existentialist may have proved insupportable.
The puppy - who chose the author, not the other way around - is a "slightly wall-eyed, hyper, darn near ugly chocolate dapple dachshund named Jasper," the author writes.
We have been reduced to the level of compliant, drooling morons, sitting wall-eyed in front of the TV with our microwaved dinner and a box of McGreasy chips on our laps.
Or Saveli Kramarov, the pallid, wall-eyed comedian who left the Soviet Union to play harried apparatchiks in Hollywood and brought the laughs in a TV commercial where he searched for a "big American car with tailfins."