
Related to floppy: Floppy Baby Syndrome, Floppy drive

floppy baby syndrome

Colloquial term for an abnormally limp posture in an infant lying prone due to an inability to maintain flexed ligaments or muscles. Also called "floppy infant syndrome." We were only made aware of our child's spinal muscular atrophy when she began showing signs of floppy baby syndrome.
See also: baby, floppy, syndrome

floppy infant syndrome

Colloquial term for an abnormally limp posture in an infant lying prone due to an inability to maintain flexed ligaments or muscles. Also called "floppy baby syndrome." We were only made aware of our child's spinal muscular atrophy when she began showing signs of floppy infant syndrome.
See also: floppy, syndrome
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • pardner
  • coon eye(s)
  • gotcha
  • playa
  • nome
  • Nome sane?
  • Nome sayin'?
  • like, you know
  • like there ain't no tomorrow
  • Crown Vic
References in periodicals archive
With respect to the electro-diagnostic impression of the floppy babies, Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) was the most common diagnosis found in 31 (48.4%) children.
This can be done because - probably by chance - the pins on an SD card perfectly align to the individual wires on a floppy drive cable.
It does not involve any movements; the floppy disks or the CDs and DVDs involve movements which require a drive to make it go in circles.
The defendant agreed he saw his daughter's leg "go floppy" but said he didn't realise she had been seriously injured and had not intended to hurt her seriously.
Servos move a floppy into place, rotate the floppy to the correct radius, move the head to the correct spot on the radius and a mirror sets the laser reference angle to pick the correct hologram on the spot.
Floppy got his name from his right ear that hung down along the side of his face.
Floppy eyelid syndrome associated with marked lower eyelid ectropion.
As consulting futurist Josh Calder (@Geofutures on Twitter) wryly observed, the information stored on that 20-year-old floppy disk is "now less accessible than a book from 1590."
THE Public Prosecution has destroyed 33,923 confiscated pirated floppy disks and electronic appliances following court cases brought by various ministries, it was revealed.
Computer retail chain PC World is dropping floppy disks from sale due to plummeting demand.
TELECOMWORLDWIRE-1 February 2007-PC World to end floppy disk storage sales(C)1994-2007 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD http://www.m2.com
Worldwide Computer Products News-1 February 2007-PC World to end floppy disk storage sales(C)1995-2007 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD http://www.m2.com
A scant decade ago the floppy disk was still the dominant form of portable data storage for personal computers.
Many publishers of teaching materials and supplementary repertoire books provide these accompaniments on floppy disk or CD for all music levels and genres; however, many music retailers do not stock this material, therefore you may need to spend time figuring out what's available.
The Floppy Sleep Game Book: A Proven Four-Week Plan To Get Your Child To Sleep by Patti Teel is an innovative and in-depth instructional guideline for a guaranteed and proven bedtime routine for parents to soothe their children into a deep and healthy sleep.