
  • a waiting game
  • accident waiting to happen, an
  • an accident waiting to happen
  • an accident/a disaster waiting to happen
  • be waiting for the other shoe to drop
  • be waiting in the wings
  • big moment
  • I felt like a penny waiting for change
  • in the wings
  • in waiting
  • it's ill waiting for dead men's shoes
  • keep (one) waiting
  • keep somebody waiting
  • on a/the waiting list
  • on the waiting list
  • play a waiting game
  • play the waiting game
  • the moment (one) has been waiting for
  • wait (on) tables
  • wait (one's) turn
  • wait a second
  • wait around
  • wait at (something or some place)
  • wait at table
  • wait for (one's) boat to come in
  • wait for (one's) ship to come in
  • wait for (someone or something)
  • wait for dead men's shoes
  • wait for the dust to settle
  • wait for the next wave
  • wait for the other shoe to drop
  • wait in the wings
  • wait on (someone or something)
  • wait on (someone) hand and foot
  • wait on table
  • wait out
  • wait up for (one)
  • wait upon (someone or something)
  • wait upon (someone) hand and foot
  • waiting game
  • waiting in the wings
  • what are we waiting for?
  • what are you waiting for?
  • What is (one) waiting for?
  • worth waiting for
References in periodicals archive
There is need to further improve waiting time of patients to increase patient satisfaction.
A person waiting for a plot at Llandaff Fields Allotments has been on the waiting list since August 28, 2012 - a massive six year and one month wait.
However the NTPF does not publish waiting lists for a number of diagnostic scans and the latest available figures show a further 135,000 waiting for MRIs, ultrasounds and CT scans.
Every other hospital trust covering the West Midlands met area hit the one per cent waiting time target at the end of May.
This meant 2,085 patients were waiting longer than the target time, with five patients having spent more than a year on the waiting list.
At the end of April, 88.7 per cent of patients waiting for treatment had been on the list for less than 18 weeks, below the target is 92 per cent.
As the numbers on the waiting list continue to grow, the number waiting longer than the target time of 18 weeks passed 500,000 for the first time in nearly a decade - with the last time so many people were waiting that long was August 2008, when 521,000 had been waiting more than 18 weeks.
We need to accept that waiting plays a part of our daily lives, so we need to wait for God's perfect time, for the right place with the right person to avoid getting hurt over and over again.
We need to humanise those waiting lists so that the people in charge know.
The party's primary care spokesman John Brassil said: "While hospital waiting lists and the waiting times for services such as CAMHS command a lot of attention, there are other areas where people are also enduring long waits.
IT'S AN unending wait for membership at the Capital's two elite clubs and going by the waiting period, for some it may not end in their lifetime.
In this case the video packets are serviced immediately after the voice packets found in the queue without necessarily waiting to service voice packets that arrive while the video packets are already in the queue.
But the waiting continues, even after I graduated from college.
The average waiting time for adults in England can vary from 20 to 182 days depending on the Trust, BBC Breakfast found through Freedom of Information requests.