I have been a keen racing fan for 38 years, since I was 15, and no matter what guidelines are set out, they are always
Rules always transgressed; LETTERS
I wish to affirm this "theological politics of difference" as a hermeneutic for a reintegrative Jewish-Christian theology after the Holocaust that
transgresses religious and cultural borders.
Decentering Judaism and Christianity: Using Feminist Theory to Construct a Postmodern Jewish-Christian Theology
For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each of you know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour, not in lustful passion; and that no man
transgress and defraud his brother because the Lord is the avenger in all things." (I Thessalonians 4, 2-6).
Blinded by rights
Over there, there is a set-instone fixed number of times you can hit a horse - which I believe should be between eight and ten - and if you
transgress that once you are handed a massive fine.
Facts of whip abuse laid bare
NNA - Deputy Qassem Hashem said today in a statement that opportunities are still available to
transgress to a cabinet formation.
Deputy Qassem Hashem: It is not allowed to make ill-use of Constitution
While its nested rectangles resemble the attenuations of Josef Albers's art that characterized '70s supergraphics, their hard-edged crispness is undermined by paradoxically tidy drips of paint that
transgress the boundaries between colors.
No single painting exists within a single school or tradition (remember Major's literary double consciousness and his desire to
transgress): At any one time you can see elements from artists as diverse as Willem de Kooning, Archibald Motley, and Marc Chagall.
Clarence Major and His Art
In terms of an approach to forms, post-moderns make two characteristic moves: either explode or
transgress the form of love -- beyond modern notions of love as relationality (e.g., process theism and Hegel) and beyond pre-modern forms of love as overflow and emanation (neo-Platonic) into love now understood as sheer excess and transgression.
The Post-Modern Re-Naming of God as Incomprehensible and Hidden
in contrast, Crane redirects attention to the European origins of this model, arguing that men invoked its tenets to maintain their control "whenever European women attempted to
transgress their culturally imposed boundaries" (p.
Ebb Tide in New England: Women, Seaports, and Social Change, 1630-1800
Part of his significance lies in his willingness to push, if not
transgress, limits, although in doing so he has created works that many readers undoubtedly would find repulsive (his pornographic novels Equinox, Hogg, and The Mad Man, for instance); but the bottomline with Delany is that he never has written anything that is not at least interesting and skillfully done.
Shorter Views: Queer Thoughts & the Politics of the Paraliterary
52): "the fear of being labelled delinquent was an effective form of self-regulation, a threat to those who might
transgress sexual or moral standards." (p.
The Trouble With Normal: Postwar Youth and the Making of Heterosexuality
In the first field, the myth of Daedalus and Icarus cautions the spectator to maintain moderation, and the adjacent Fall of Phaeton warns against recklessness; the images thus censure those who
transgress the laws of God and nature.
Le grottesche della "Volta Pinta" in Assisi
But too many youngsters
transgress and then avoid all responsibility for it because those in authority are pandering to them.
Dear Mirror: The BIG issue- Teach yobs respect
To be unscrupulous implies someone has no sense of right or wrong,or chooses to ignore any twinges of conscience when they do
transgress the moral or civil law.
Thought for the day
McNab, for example, and she endorses all of Morrison's novels as intercorporeal, although I would hesitate to apply that term to The Bluest Eye.) Moreover, I am not entirely convinced by her implication that literary criticism which pays close attention to the material world of bodies and things (like her own), and which is intended to be "integral to the world we live in," is a form of political action which can help us "subvert" the "positions racial patriarchy puts us in." Even if, as a community of scholars, "our writing bodies
transgress the borders constructed among us," I can't help but feel that literary criticism (even Doyle's) ends up reinforcing the borders between "scholars" and those who work outside academia.
Bordering on the Body: The Racial Matrix of Modern Fiction and Culture