preside at (something)

preside at (something)

To exercise authority or control at some meeting, ceremony, or other event. Janet was elected to preside at the board meeting while Tom was absent. They asked me if I wanted to preside at the graduation ceremony, but I declined.
See also: preside
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

preside at something

to manage or act as chair at a meeting or a ceremony. The mayor presided at the meeting, assuring that the speeches would be very short. She presided at the ceremony.
See also: preside
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • preside
  • preside at
  • take a meeting
  • this is where I came in
  • This is where I came in.
  • call a meeting to order and call the meeting to order
  • call a/the meeting to order
  • any other business
  • meeting
  • monthly meeting