win on points

win on points

To succeed or achieve victory through a series of technicalities or minor gains, rather than true dominance or skill. A noun or pronoun can be used between "win" and "on points" to specify what was won. Everyone seems pretty evenly split on which candidate won the debate, though most outlets agree that Senator Thompson won on points due to having clearer, more focused answers. The defense, though clearly having the weaker position overall, won the case on points because several key pieces of evidence were thrown out by the judge.
See also: on, point, win
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

win on points

Succeed but barely, especially by a technicality. For example, Both sides were forceful in that argument about the embargo, but I think the senator won on points . This term comes from boxing, where in the absence of a knockout the winner is decided on the basis of points awarded for each round. Its figurative use dates from the mid-1900s.
See also: on, point, win
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

win on points

win by accumulating a series of minor gains rather than by a single dramatic feat.
In boxing, a fighter wins on points by having the referee and judges award him more points than his opponent, rather than by a knockout.
See also: on, point, win
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • angle
  • angling
  • not do (someone or oneself) any favors
  • involve with
  • involve with (someone or something)
  • involved with
  • arrange for
  • arrange for some time
  • arrange some music for
  • ask back