come to harm

come to harm

To encounter an unpleasant situation, often one involving injury or damage. If anyone comes to harm in this operation, you will have to answer to the chief. My car came to harm during the storm when a tree branch fell on it.
See also: come, harm
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

come to harm

to experience something bad; to get damaged or harmed. I sincerely hope that you do not come to harm. I hope no one comes to harm.
See also: come, harm
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • about last night...
  • come to a bad end
  • come to a bad/sticky end
  • devil and deep blue sea
  • between the devil and the deep blue sea
  • between the hammer and the anvil
  • between Scylla and Charybdis
  • horse and rabbit stew
  • a sad state (of affairs)
  • get a taste of (one's) own medicine
References in periodicals archive
But she is scared somebody will come to harm before anything is done about it.
He said: "Where children do go missing, actions including return interviews to determine why a child went missing, not only helps reduce further instances of running away, but also helps us determine whether a child has come to harm, and are also a vital tool in disrupting abuse and sexual exploitation."
"For some, it will be a transient one-off event and they will not come to harm, for others they will be extremely vulnerable and may be child in need or children in need of protection."
1,033 779 1,041 "For some it will be a transient one-off event and they will not come to harm, for others they will be extremely vulnerable and may be child in need or children in need of protection."
1) How likely is it that the patient will come to harm? Is this a person at high risk of coming to harm if not restrained -- say, an 80% chance?
It's about ensuring that we have safe and sustainable service.s that are available to the people of Wales ." His comments echo recent warnings by the Royal College of Physicians, who said theNHS was "on the edge" and patients would come to harm if changes were not made.