vocal fry

vocal fry

A manner of speaking in which one uses their lowest natural register, causing the voice to be breathy or creaky. Why is it that people only seem to care about women's vocal fry? Men do it too!
See also: fry
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • in a manner of speaking
  • see (one) across (something or some place)
  • see across
  • all manner of
  • all manner of somebody/something
  • à la
  • la
  • creepy
  • manner
  • ape
References in periodicals archive
A 2014 study found that men and women who demonstrated vocal fry were seen as less trustworthy and less hirable than people who spoke in a normal voice.
The study indicates that women who speak in vocal fry are perceived as less attractive, less competent, less educated, less trustworthy, and ultimately less hirable.
Em trabalho semelhante, os pesquisadores utilizaram no tratamento para paralisia de prega vocal, as seguintes tecnicas: /b/ prolongado, bocejo/suspiro, emissao de escalas musicais, "humming", exercicios de trato vocal, fonacao inspiratoria, emissao de fricativos e vibrantes, empuxo, manobra de ataque vocal brusco, mudanca de postura, treinamento da respiracao e vocal fry [10].
Although vocal fry, exercise #5, is not recommended in daily speech patterns, it is a useful facilitation technique for achieving relaxed phonation and increasing adduction in voice therapy.
O exercicio de som basal ou vocal fry tambem pode ser indicado em alguns casos de disfonia por tensao muscular (isometria laringea, fadiga vocal, fonacao desconfortavel, fenda triangular medio-posterior) [1,38,39].
Semi-occluded vocal tract exercises, spectrograms, formant and harmonic theory, laryngeal and acoustic registration, and specific protocols such as formant tuning or the use of vocal fry to outline formants on a spectrogram (3) were once beyond the grasp of most singers.
Outro estudo teve como objetivo analisar os comportamentos vibratorios da prega vocal durante a emissao vocal em registro modal e o vocal fry em adultos, por meio do EGG.
This has been done in various ways to explore formant tuning; for example, vocal fry is recommended by Donald Miller and used by a number of teachers and researchers for this purpose.
Outro ponto importante refere-se a maior variabilidade intra-sujeitos no caso daqueles com ajustes de qualidade vocal relacionados a aperiodicidade do sinal vocal, como no caso dos ajustes de voz aspera, vocal fry, voz crepitante e voz soprosa (S2, S6, S14 e S17).
(a.) John Nix, Kate Emerich, and Ingo Titze, "Application of Vocal Fry to the Training of Singers," Journal of Singing 62, no.
They suggested using semioccluded exercises for lightness, and vocal fry to help vocal fold closure.
matter of vocal fry. Is this exclusively an American phenomenon?
We talk about loudness, but never use sones to quantify it; we talk about roughness, but rarely frame it in terms of critical band theory; we talk about pitch, but rarely recognize that it depends on timbre; we talk about vocal fry, but don't relate it to periodicity detection in the auditory system.
Vocal fry (mode 0) takes you lower toward Tim's world, and whistle tone (mode 3) takes you higher towards Adam's claim to fame.
She was asked to first produce five speech vowels /i/, /e/, /a/, /o/, /u/ in vocal fry (so that formant frequencies were easy to determine).