
  • (in) honor bound (to do something)
  • all oak and iron bound
  • all oak and iron bound and *sound as a barrel
  • be bound and determined
  • be bound to (be or do something)
  • be duty bound
  • be honor-bound
  • be honor-bound to (do something)
  • be out of bounds
  • be/feel duty/honour bound to do something
  • bind (one) hand and foot
  • bind (someone or something) together
  • bind off
  • bind over
  • bind up
  • bind up with (something)
  • bound and determined
  • bound and determined to
  • bound and determined to (do something)
  • bound for
  • bound for (somewhere or something)
  • bound hand and foot
  • bound to (be or do something)
  • bound to do
  • bound to, be
  • bound up in
  • bound up in (something)
  • bound up with
  • bound up with (someone or something)
  • by leaps and bounds
  • by/in leaps and bounds
  • duty bound
  • duty bound to (someone or something)
  • duty bound, to be
  • feel duty bound to (do something)
  • feel honor-bound to (do something)
  • grow by leaps and bounds
  • honor bound
  • honour bound
  • I dare be bound
  • I'll be bound
  • in leaps and bounds
  • increase by leaps and bounds
  • keep (someone or something) within bounds
  • keep within bounds
  • know no bounds
  • leaps and bounds
  • out of bounds
  • out-of-bounds
  • overstep (one's)/its bounds
  • overstep the bounds (of something)
  • sound as a barrel
  • stay within bounds
  • take the ball before the bound
  • talk of the devil, and he is bound to appear
  • within bounds
  • within limits
  • within the bounds of possibility
References in classic literature
Then the chase wheeled, the bull leaped and bounded up the mountain side, and on one flank lay Greysnout and Deathgrip and on the other lay Blood and Blackfang, while behind came the Wolf-Brethren, and after them the wolves with lolling tongues.
For several minutes the blacks hesitated; then, at the urging of Rokoff and their chief, they leaped in to finish the dance and the victim; but ere ever another spear touched the brown hide a tawny streak of green-eyed hate and ferocity bounded from the door of the hut in which Tarzan had been imprisoned, and Sheeta, the panther, stood snarling beside his master.
But bound as he was, his glance was powerless to drive away those flies which were stinging his wound.
Then he led him to the very tree to which he had been bound; but in binding Bukawai, Tarzan saw to it that escape after the same fashion that he had escaped would be out of the question; then he left him.
Then came Bukawai, and at first he could not believe the witness of his own eyes; but when he did and saw that it was indeed the devil-god his rage knew no bounds, for he thought him dead and himself cheated of the revenge he had so long dreamed upon.
However, the chief of the Spaniards would not consent to it, but ordered, for the present, that they should be sent out of the way to my old cave in the valley, and be kept there, with two Spaniards to guard them, and have food for their subsistence, which was done; and they were bound there hand and foot for that night.
Nicholas did not hear his own cry nor feel that he was galloping, nor see the borzois, nor the ground over which he went: he saw only the wolf, who, increasing her speed, bounded on in the same direction along the hollow.
The wolf crouched, gnashed her teeth, and again rose and bounded forward, followed at the distance of a couple of feet by all the borzois, who did not get any closer to her.
Instead, and along with the rest, they were scattered on board sailing ships bound for the four quarters of the globe, where they had been placed by the boarding-house masters, and where they were working out advance money which they had neither seen nor spent.
I ached, besides, in every limb, and the cords that bound me seemed to be of fire.
The ship was bound for the Carolinas; and you must not suppose that I was going to that place merely as an exile.
They made way with foot and hand, kicking and thrusting dragging and shoving, the bound captives to either side of the space which the canoe was to occupy.
Remained awake, as dawn paled the dark, only the grievously wounded or the too-tightly bound, and the decrepit ancient who was not so old as Bashti.
There is also another species of acquisition which they [1257a] particularly call pecuniary, and with great propriety; and by this indeed it seems that there are no bounds to riches and wealth.
For which reason others endeavour to procure other riches and other property, and rightly, for there are other riches and property in nature; and these are the proper objects of economy: while trade only procures money, not by all means, but by the exchange of it, and for that purpose it is this which it is chiefly employed about, for money is the first principle and the end of trade; nor are there any bounds to be set to what is thereby acquired.