Dump it

Dump it

tv. throw it away. We don’t need it. Get rid of it! Dump it!
See also: dump
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • fettie
  • bluh
  • bousta
  • Hey!
  • late
  • bout it
  • horseradish
  • base
  • case of the shorts
  • get a gift
References in periodicals archive
Kevin James Scott If it is so safe why not dump it on the Somerset or North Devon coast?
Katie O'Brien, a medical student, tweeted, "If the White House is a dump it's because he made it that way." 
But councils charge for the disposal of what is classified as trade waste, and rather than pay a fee for its disposable, the unscrupulous pair decided instead to dump it at locations across Conwy, Denbighshire and Gwynedd without any regard for the impact it would have on the environment.
But we can no longer sweep it under the carpet or dump it in the local field as the case may be.
"I'm equally horrified that Dounreay's solution is simply to dig the waste up and dump it elsewhere on the site.
"We'd dig out the uranium with a shovel and a pick, dump it in the car and send it out," he says.
Hand out the example above (it's only ethical to do so) and then announce that you're starting a movement to dump it's.