bottle of Dog

bottle of Dog

A bottle of brown ale, specifically the brand Newcastle Brown Ale. Colloquial to the Geordie dialect (of the larger Tyneside region of North East England), "dog" refers to the euphemistic phrase "seeing a man about a dog," often meaning going and buying a drink. Primarily heard in UK. I've a thirst on me for a bottle of Dog, if you please.
See also: bottle, dog, of
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • brown
  • brown bottle flu
  • how now brown cow
  • How now, brown cow?
  • code brown
  • brown hole
  • berpwater
  • something for the weekend
  • nudge nudge (wink wink)
References in periodicals archive
The phrase "bottle of dog" was derived from the phrase, "I'm going to walk the dog" - a euphemism for "I'm going to the pub"!
Boozers will know one of the many nicknames of Newcastle Brown Ale includes a bottle of dog as "walking the dog'" was an excuse for nipping out and having a drink, a phrase which over the years stuck and was used by those with no dog to walk in the first place and just a bit of a 23 - Why is it called a stottie cake?
Then you can walk along the beach, end up at the pub and eat the best crab sandcastle, washed down with a bottle of dog.
Do not feed contents to fish - on a bottle of dog shampoo
I left him dreaming and nipped off to get a bottle of dog shampoo.
If you've got $450 (pounds 300) to spare, you can lay your hands on an extremely rare piece of Madonna memorabilia - the empty prescription bottle of dog medicine given to her beloved Chiquita to cure indigestion.
Newcastle Brown Ale, nothing beats a 'bottle of dog.' Hearing the lingo, as Newcastle people do not have an accent 'cos we talk properly.
For many years it was referred to as a "bottle of dog" as husbands used to use the excuse of taking the dog for a walk when they wanted to sneak off to the pub for a cheeky pint.
What else could explain this warning: "Caution: the contents of this bottle should not be fed to fish", on a bottle of dog shampoo; or, "For external use only", on a curling iron; or, "Do not use in the shower", on a hair dryer.
Almost 10 years after leaving Tyneside, he still jets in regularly from Greece to revisit his favourite Greek restaurants around the Toon and sup a bottle of Dog for old time's sake.
For many years Brown Ale was referred to as a bottle of dog, as husbands used to use the excuse of taking the dog for a walk when they wanted to sneak off to the pub for a cheeky pint.
For many years Brown Ale was referred to as a bottle of dog as husbands used to use the excuse of taking the dog for a walk when they wanted to sneak off to the pub for a cheeky pint.
But one thing frontman Jake Shears won't be doing is downing a bottle of Dog. Based in New York, where Newcastle Brown Ale is a big hit, he's certainly heard of the favourite Toon tipple.