worthwhile cause

worthwhile cause

Something that deserves time, attention, or funding. A: "Do you want to donate to my marathon team? I'm trying to raise money for cancer research." B: "Sure, that's a worthwhile cause."
See also: cause
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • play second fiddle
  • play second fiddle to
  • play second fiddle, to
  • I gave at the office
  • have a shufti
  • have/take a shufti
  • shufti
  • I wouldn't wish (something) on a dog
  • put (one's) hand into (one's) pocket
  • I wouldn't wish (something) on my worst enemy
References in periodicals archive
There are hundreds of worthwhile causes on Merseyside and some incredible fundraising efforts going on so you would almost certainly be forgiven for thinking donating PS10 to a worthwhile cause means PS10 going straight to the person in need - but that is not always the case.
Teddy Markhart: "I would think taking care of our own homeless would be a better worthwhile cause."
An onlooker at the glitzy bash said: "It's a great day out and for a very worthwhile cause."
| 210515CowaN_06.j pg Fun evening for a very worthwhile cause - Sarah, Claire, Kate and Amanda Fun evening for a very worthwhile cause - Sarah, Claire, Kate and Amanda | 210515COWAN_06.JPG A whole new wardrobe - Sarah, Venessa, Carole and Jessica | 210515COWAN_07.JPG We love clothes swishing - Emma, Rea and Laura | 210515CowAn_09.210515COWAN_09.
It's such a wonderful idea to get people baking for a worthwhile cause.
At Wilkinson's shop in Redcar High Street there is a bucket earmarked for the same good cause at every till so that on leaving the shop, customers can throw in the odd coppers, thus helping considerably to this worthwhile cause. Well done Wilkinson's VERA ROBINSON, Redcar
"What sort of Christmas are they going to have?" She added: "It was at that moment I decided to use my knowledge and contacts to organise a show in aid of this worthwhile cause."
Every pensioner and retired person like myself has to make up their own mind about whether they really need it and whether they are going to give it to some worthwhile cause. No doubt most pensioners who are reasonably prosperous give quite a lot of money to charity and worthwhile causes in any event." The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) stressed people had the right to choose what to do with the benefits: "People can contact the DWP's winter fuel payment hotline to discuss handing back or terminating their winter fuel payment should they wish to.
Nevertheless a great night was had by all and for such a worthwhile cause. If you have a spare moment, look up Rett syndrome.
General manager Louise Fawcett said: "Comedy night is a first for The Living Room and we're really looking forward to an evening full of laughs and are delighted to be able to help a worthwhile cause at the same time." Tony Vino, Daliso Chaponda and Jamie Sutherland will share top billing on April 18 from 8.30pm.
Iain, a solicitor with North of England P&I Association, said: "Apart from the fundraising, I want everyone to go home having enjoyed a memorable meal, for a worthwhile cause. Simon Gray and his team put so many hours into the scout group it is great to be able to give something back."
He added: "Please make my suffering worthwhile by helping alleviate the suffering of the 70,000 children who's calls to Childline go unanswered every month and give generously to this worthwhile cause. I am extremely grateful to all those who have already supported this very worthy cause.
Mr Smith said: "Buying a ticket for this gala screening will not only give you the chance to take part in a glamorous red carpet event, but you'll also be helping a worthwhile cause raise funds while you watch this autumn's top comedy."
THIS Thursday, there is still a chance for you ladies to join us for a great night out at the Hilton Hotel in Cardiff to the Ascot Dinner to raise money for the George Thomas Hospice, a really worthwhile cause.
As part of the campaign, all profits from the sale of Mary Kay Creme lipstick in apple berry--one of its top-selling lipstick shades--will be donated to a worthwhile cause of each market's choosing.