sow the seed of

sow the seeds of (something)

1. To do something that ensures a certain outcome in the future, especially an unfortunate or tragic one. They've been sowing the seeds of their own downfall with their anti-consumer practices over the last few years.
2. To cause someone to have certain thoughts or feelings, usually negative ones. The over-zealous policing of opposing opinions has sown the seeds of discontent among the population.
See also: of, seed, sow
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

sow the seed (or seeds) of

do something which will eventually bring about a particular result.
1991 Philip Slater A Dream Deferred Each authoritarian government, groping toward modernization, would thereby sow the seeds of its own destruction.
See also: of, seed, sow
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • sow the seeds of (something)
  • sow the seeds of something
  • plant the seeds
  • plant the seeds of (something)
  • plant/sow the seeds of something
  • read the (hand)writing on the wall
  • read the handwriting on the wall
  • see the (hand)writing on the wall
  • see the writing on the wall
  • pull (something) out of the bag
References in periodicals archive
PREPARATIONS for summer need to be started now, so it's time to sow the seed of tender annuals.
Instead you can sow the seed of compassion, understanding, and insight in them.