worst comes to worst

worst comes to worst

The least ideal or preferred outcome happens. Often used with "if," as in "if worst comes to worst." Even if worst comes to worst and it rains on our wedding day, we'll make the best of it. I know you don't want to think about it, but, worst comes to worst, what would you do in a zombie apocalypse?
See also: come, worst
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • storm
  • north and south
  • came
  • cliff-hanger
  • serve two masters
  • wrong scent, to be on the
  • not give (something) a second thought
  • boondocks
References in periodicals archive
"If the worst comes to worst, I could end up in a Travelodge."
If worst comes to worst and we went down you have to be looking at making one or two changes and bring in a couple of new faces to help the rest of the squad."
Kiprop's social media posts served as a cry for help and attracted the necessary attention otherwise, he would have been abandoned to stew in his own juice till worst comes to worst. GREEDY AGENTS Top Kenyan runners have traditionally honed their skills in the police and other uniformed services, namely, the military and the prisons.
If worst comes to worst tomorrow, I'll figure out a way."
"Worst comes to worst, they finish where they are now and he goes back home.
And if worst comes to worst and they do find themselves out of work, then they must receive some sort of compensation," he said.
But if worst comes to worst, those people will see an increase in their rent.
"I thought to myself, 'Worst comes to worst, it will raise like $500,' which is better than nothing.
"Those with spare capacity, and they are the Gulf producers, would not be able to fill the gap if worst comes to worst. Hopefully it will not happen but the market is certainly pricing in this possibility."
'So if worst comes to worst, what will happen to 80,000 seafarers who might lost their jobs because the training they got from our country is not compliant?' he pointed out.
She then suggested that she would sell the ring that he had given her if "worst comes to worst".
If worst comes to worst, Gadon told a news briefing he will seek Sereno's arrest.
'So, I want them [the Pentagon] to stop sending dependents and I think it's now time to start moving American dependents out of South Korea.' The question is: will that precaution make any difference if worst comes to worst? NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, during a NATO foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday, warned that the North Korea's 'ballistic missile that was fired last week showed that all our States may be exposed to this danger.' Nevertheless, the games continue.
If worst comes to worst, they could die in captivity without having produced offspring and the conservationists could have unwillingly contributed to the final demise of the species.
If worst comes to worst and we don't lift the trophy in Basel, you still want another go at the Europa next season.