slug it out
slug it out
1. To physically fight. Watch out, there's two guys slugging it out in the back of the bar! I slugged it out with some guy last night and earned myself a black eye for my troubles.
2. To contend with someone or something for something. In such a big family, my siblings and I always have to slug it out for our parents' attention.
See also: out, slug
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
slug it out
to fight something out; to argue intensely about something. They finally went outside to slug it out. We'll just have to sit down in the conference room and slug it out.
See also: out, slug
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
ˌslog/ˌslug it ˈout
(British English, informal) (of people, organizations, competitors, etc.) fight very hard until one person or group finally wins: The boxers slugged it out to the finish. The two teams will slog it out for second place.In this idiom, slug and slog are both informal words meaning ‘to hit very hard’.
See also: out, slog, slug
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
slug it out
tv. to fight something out; to fight about something figuratively. We’ll just have to sit down in the conference room and slug it out.
See also: out, slug
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- slog/slug it out
- grapple
- grappling
- trade blows
- brace (oneself) for (something)
- brace oneself for
- be not (oneself)
- not oneself
- not feeling (oneself)
- slug away (at something)