Larry Ragan of The Ragan Report once observed, "If your goal is to establish a newsletter publishing empire, it probably isn't a good idea
to name the first one after yourself and write it in your own inimitable style.
Picking a name for your newsletter
To name is also to claim dominion: naming children, slaves, domestic animals, or real estate is an announcement of figurative, if not literal, ownership of the named, as well as an indication of the namer's relationship to or sentiments about the named.
The named and the nameless: Morrison's 124 and Naylor's "the other place" as semiotic chorae
It also identifies a risk management problem when your camp is asked
to name someone or some other organization as an Additional Insured.
Risk management: sweat the small stuff
There are two ways
to name a cell: After you highlight the target cell, go to Insert, Name, Define Name and enter the name you want under Names in workbook and click on Add.
Technology Q&A: sort Excel cells that contain text and numbers ... Give Excel cells a descriptive name ... Get Excel to produce the right number of blank worksheets ... Convert e-mails into calendar appointments with priorities ... Stop Word's AutoFormat from second-guessing on numbering lists ... Shortcuts
Taxpayers were recorded in a variety of ways, including: Simao Fernandes Curado and his son-in-law; Maria Rodrigues, vendor, and her niece; the son-in-law of Baltasar Andre; A Loba and her husband; and Olaia Pinta and her sister,
to name a few.
Work and identity in early modern Portugal: what did gender have to do with it? (1)
However, he remembers, "I could justify the etymology of the species name for relativitae by breaking it down to its Latin roots--`relating to life'." He decided in the early 1980s
to name the species "in honor of life on Earth."
A Fly Called Iyaiyai
Over the years the church has exhorted us, with varying degrees of enthusiasm,
to name our children for holy men and women.
Saints alive! Don't name our child after a luxury car: what's in a name? For Catholics, one would hope a saintly role model. But that's less likely these days thanks to the popularity of trendy, creative, and even consumeristic names
To name a textbox, right-click on it and select Form Field Properties.
Run your business on the Web: provide a presence on the Web for your customers, suppliers and clients
The master Self determines its linguistic presence by using appropriate language
to name itSelf.
Plunging (outside of) history: naming and self-possession in Invisible Man
To cope with the volume of clades and to bring some stability
to names, Donoghue envisions that the PhyloCode will permit a scientist
to name any clade that seems important.
Should We Junk Linnaeus?
It is shameful
to name your child something superficial like a brand name.
If the participant fails
to name a DB or names a beneficiary that does not qualify, the heirs must take distributions over the participant's remaining life expectancy.
Facing a Hobson's Choice
This test typically shows that it takes people longer
to name aloud the color of an ink used to print a word for a contrasting color (such as saying "green" in response to green ink making up the word "red") than
to name the same color when it has been used to print a nonsense word.
Working memory may fail in schizophrenia
Since 1965, Catholic parents have been almost four times more likely
to name their daughters Jennifer than Mary."
Our Lady of Camelot. (catholic tastes)
When asked
to name aloud the incompatible ink colors in which a list of color words is printed (for example, to say "blue" in response to the word "yellow" printed in blue ink, "red" in response to the word "green" printed in red ink, and so on), people experience a mental sensation comparable to running in a swimming pool - you just can't do it quickly.
Brother Stroop's enduring effect