The EU
whistle-blower directive contains a provision requiring states to ensure that the rights and remedies provided for in the directive may not be waived or limited by any type of agreement, including a predispute arbitration agreement.
Whistle-blower protection and its impact on business
Internal whistle- blowing is mainly regulated by the sources of autonomous law, by establishing an employer's reaction procedure to
whistle-blower reports, both in relation to the person whose conduct is related in the report, and in terms of informing the
whistle-blower about the measures undertaken by the employer, in order to investigate allegations and eliminate any possible errors (Hauser, 2013, p.
whistle-blower policy of the Federal Government is, and remains an offer made to the entire world, which ripened/ ripens into a unilateral and binding contract the moment somebody, anybody, the #ikoyigatewhistleblower came forward with information leading to the recovery of billions of Naira.
Lest whistle-blowers run amok..
In recent years, whistleblowing and
whistle-blowers have returned to prominence in political, media, and public discourse.
When whistle-blowers become the story: The problem of the 'third victim': comment on "Cultures of silence and cultures of voice: The role of whistleblowing in healthcare organisations"
When Ms O'Sullivan was appointed, we were promised things would change for
Harrison found out how force protects only itself
Accordingly a practical issue may arise in relation to what level of confidentiality/anonymity can be provided to the
whistle-blower. If the
whistle-blower's allegations can be verified by other sources then no issue arises.
Cleaning up Sport: The growing use of employee informants
"Employers may opt to reward
whistle-blowers to encourage them, but that honesty should ideally not have to be paid for," Numann said.
'Whistle-blowing' system to fight fraud, corruption
whistle-blower said the find "proves that I am right".
Tax evasion a criminal act says former DPP; MONEY, MONEY, MONEY
LAST week The Health Select Committee announced that 'the treatment of
whistle-blowers is a stain on the reputation of the NHS and has led to unwarranted, inexcusable pain for the courageous individuals affected'.
Blowing the whistle - how would you react?
Their decision came after the
whistle-blower produced evidence in the form of audio recordings.
School is investigated for exam 'malpractice'
Award paid by the US Internal Revenue Service to UBS
whistle-blower Bradley Birkenfcld $104m
The data: Whistle-blowing: an internal affair
In its appeal to Gardner, the newspaper argued that the explicit language of the Oregon "
whistle-blower" protection law requires an agency to keep the identify of a
whistle-blower secret only "during any investigation" of certain types of employee complaints.
Request for probe details rejected
WORCESTER -- UMass Memorial Medical Center has settled fraud charges with the state attorney general in a
whistle-blower case alleging it had improperly sent bills for uninsured patients to a homeless shelter so it could tap the state for payments.
Fraud charges are settled; UMass Memorial fined for improper billing
The SEC (
whistle-blower program , which Thomas helped author in his former position at the SEC, gives 10 to 30 percent of the proceeds from an enforcement case to a helpful
Wall Street And Financial Services Industry Still Dangerously Unethical: Survey
Olivieri, a physician and former haematologist at the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children, is a
whistle-blower in her own right.
When women blow the whistle