Woe betide any flight crew who mistake the new premier, kittenheels Theresa, for a hostess.
Top flight only the once ..
It might be Christmas Jumper Day at the infants' but Party Day (bring some cakes) at the juniors',' and
woe betide you if you forget your PS1 "voluntary contribution" for Christmas Party Jumper Cake Day, or which child to give it to.
Why this week is a rare treat; MY CITY
The reality is that the loyalty of professional politicians is to their party, encouraged by the whips, and
woe betide anyone who fails to toe the party line.
Money is God for the uncaring Tories; FEEDBACK
Woe betide wealth-creators in Wales if Wales had control over income tax.
Wales all over the media
In between, we have two new tour t-shirts for the morning rounds, though shirts from previous tours may be worn for the afternoon's 18 holes, but
woe betide anyone who fails to don the appropriate kit - as some newcomers have been foolish enough to do in the past.
Pals 'tour' one of golf's pleasures
6THE 6 THE LEAGUE OF GENTLEMEN (1999-02) Tubbs and Edward ran their 'local shop for local people', and
woe betide any outsider who wandered in looking to touch the 'precious things'.
the the 7of 7of best best Shows about shops
Celebrity chef James Martin FROM Yorkshire puddings to Cornish pasties, we Brits are proud of our regional cuisine - and
woe betide anyone who gets one of our local delicacies wrong (to hear some people talk, you'd think crimping a pasty on top rather than the side would lead to one being exiled from Cornwall).
Putting Brit nosh on the map
Nobody calls Neville Southall anything meaner than 'big-boned' at the moment but
woe betide him if a flash Portuguese youngster also named Neville Southall bursts on to the scene.
Brazilian star is victim of the name game; PICK OF THE DAY
We moaned and groaned but
woe betide us if we didn't do our share.
Spoilt teenagers don't deserve the vote
It's his job to pass it on to the next generation - he's merely here for his three score and 10 years and
woe betide him if the Chesterfield goes missing on his watch."
Abbey families in period drama
They equate socialism with goodness and
woe betide anyone who disagrees with them.
Woe Betide the liberals
Woe betide us if ever someone decides that trees have private parts--they'll all be decked out in doilies overnight."
They did what?! 12 outrageous sexual moments in dance history
If anyone can find that person Fischer can, but until he does his work and his battle with the bureaucrats will continue--and
woe betide anyone who tries to stop him!
Supporting India's lepers
Their obsession became official policy on September 20, when President Bush unveiled a report called "The National Security Strategy of the United States." It says, "We will not hesitate to act alone, if necessary, to exercise our right of self-defense by acting preemptively." This doctrine says the United States will defend "our interests at home and abroad by identifying and destroying the threat before it reaches our borders." And
woe betide any nation that tries to compete with the United States militarily.
The naked empire. (Comment)
Woe betide the chef who set before him what His Highness did not deem a dainty dish.
A Visit from the King