yellow journalism

yellow journalism

Sensationalistic journalism with the main goal of attracting attention and readers, rather than presenting an unbiased account of the news. It may have begun at the turn of the century, but yellow journalism is alive and well, from the supermarket tabloids to all the talking heads on cable news.
See also: yellow
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • estate
  • the Fourth Estate
  • charge (something) (up) to (something)
  • charge up to
  • account to (one)
  • accrue
  • accrue to
  • accrue to (something)
  • arrears
  • be in arrears
References in periodicals archive
Actually, the pioneer in yellow journalism was Hicky.
What are the similarities and differences between today's fake news and the "yellow journalism" of the past?
But this is just a prototype of how Western readers are inculcated daily by Zionists' yellow journalism.
Doran then describes the concepts of the "yellow peril" from Asia, "yellow journalism" in the media, and Van Gogh's use of the color yellow, then moves from the "yellow nineties" to modernism, "yellow passions" and the yellow of contempt, Proust's "little patch of yellow wall," expounds further on the visual politics of race, and then focuses on the yellow stars the Jews were forced to wear by the Nazis.
The March 14 secretariat also reiterated its continued support for the president, condemning the targeting of the presidency by "yellow journalism and hired pens."
Yellow journalism should not be allowed to dampen the Games, the ambassador said.
He further said that his govt would always welcome positive criticism whereas the media would have to play its role in promoting objective journalism as well as discourage yellow journalism from our society.
I will not stand for this bullying and yellow journalism!
It was yellow journalism. It wasn't anything close to try to tell (sic) the American people what's really going on."
The book is a social history of the NBC Washington Documentary Unit during the early days of television and broadcast journalism--perhaps the glory days before the mighty dollar and a new definition of "yellow journalism" emerged.
are supposed to come up with inspection teams and give the genius security and protection, financial, legal, social so that he can allow the deep down inspection of its vehicle rather than being snatched by some one who will either be made quiet through some financial incentive from capitalists or his so called achievement may be dumped down by media's yellow journalism.
In an attempt to gain public support for Rhee's actions, the news media - functioning as twenty-first century yellow journalism -- launched an assault on educators with a campaign to replace experienced teachers with less experienced teachers from Teach for America.
Historical figures and events, such as William Randolph Hearst, Joseph Pulitzer, the rise of yellow journalism, and the newsboy strike of 1899 provide a context for this story to which educators will be drawn.
The CBC had never listened to the tape, never read a transcript of it, and yet it released information smearing Mayor Ford, while citing "unnamed sources." This yellow journalism damns all the media in our city.
What we aren't a fan of is lazy sensationalist yellow journalism, which, we are sorry to say, we encountered in this week's Xpress.