King, who during the colloquy had hardly removed his eyes from the stranger's face and had not spoken a word, consented with a nod to act for Rosser, and
the upshot of it was that, the principals having retired, a meeting was arranged for the next evening.
Can Such Things Be
The upshot of the experiment, so far as she was concerned, was that she had quarrelled with her companion, and had gone off in search of her husband, on which search she was embarked at the moment of my encountering her.
Quest of the Golden Girl
Last night ye haggled and argle-bargled like an apple-wife; and then passed me your word, and gave me your hand to back it; and ye ken very well what was
the upshot. Be damned to your word!" says he.
The upshot was, that we found a worthy young merchant or shipping-broker, not long established in business, who wanted intelligent help, and who wanted capital, and who in due course of time and receipt would want a partner.
Great Expectations
I can't go into the details of the business, but
the upshot is that my worldly wealth is much more than I thought, and I am (or shall soon be) in a position to offer marriage, without imprudence, to any lady, even if she brought nothing.
Sylvie and Bruno
At first Mary, to whom the offer was passed on, rejected it with hauteur, but presently she wavered, and
the upshot was that Irene, looking scornful and anxious, arrived one day with the perambulator.
The Little White Bird
The upshot of all this was that when Boxtel, who watched the course of political events much more attentively than his neighbour Cornelius was used to do, heard the news of the brothers De Witt being arrested on a charge of high treason against the States, he thought within his heart that very likely he needed only to say one word, and the godson would be arrested as well as the godfather.
The Black Tulip
The upshot of the business was, that Kit, after weighing the matter in his mind and considering it carefully, promised, on behalf of his mother, that she should be ready within two hours from that time to undertake the expedition, and engaged to produce her in that place, in all respects equipped and prepared for the journey, before the specified period had expired.
The Old Curiosity Shop
Then some of them fell to fighting, and while they killed each other--for it came about that Nada brought death upon the robbers as on all others--she escaped, for she said that she did not wish to look upon their struggle but would await
the upshot in a place apart.
Nada The Lily
Well, for five weeks I have walked and tallied and dallied with the loveliest woman in the world, and
the upshot is that I am flying from her, and am for a hermit's cave until I die.
Unsocial Socialist
But considering that it would not become him, nor be right, to begin any new emprise until he had established Micomicona in her kingdom, he was constrained to hold his peace and wait quietly to see what would be
the upshot of the proceedings of those same travellers; one of whom found the youth they were seeking lying asleep by the side of a muleteer, without a thought of anyone coming in search of him, much less finding him.
Don Quixote
Fighting is a thing of which men soon surfeit, and when Jove, who is war's steward, weighs
the upshot, it may well prove that the straw which our sickles have reaped is far heavier than the grain.
The upshot of them was a decision to com-bine our search for Dian with an attempt to rebuild the crumbled federation.
the upshot of it all - of my thinking and reading and loving - is that I am going to move to Grub Street.
Martin Eden
The upshot of the affair was that she accompanied me next morning.
The Sea Wolf