CPAs must be vigilant in taking
the necessary precautions to protect client information.
Line of defense: simple, complex security measures help prevent lost and stolen laptops
In order to achieve this alignment, the Navy instituted a new human capital strategy, which, in part, details a scientific method to determine the optimal number of sailors to execute any given task and ensures those sailors receive
the necessary training.
Developing a competency-based organization: applying the Navy's uniformed human capital concepts to the civilian workforce
The Catholic Church has always recognized marriages between the nonbaptized that become a Christian sacrament through the baptism of the spouses; nor does she have doubts about the validity of the marriage of a Catholic with a non-baptized person if it is celebrated with
the necessary dispensation.
The companion to JPII and the theology of the body: Part II: a quarter century of annual addresses to the Roman Rota
As of July 1, 2006, the effected existing high-rise office buildings must have all of the work completed, including filing of
the necessary affidavits with the Department, or they must have a signed contract to complete the work.
ABM alliance ensures Law 26 & RS 6-1 compliance
However, scheduling preventive maintenance action allowed the staff to have
the necessary parts ordered and available to install during the allocated downtime.
To catch trouble early, put your dryers on the 'net'
In other words, as in Fibre Channel SANs,
the necessary management software is key to realizing the benefits of the IP SAN.
Simplifying storage: combining the iSCSI standard with SAN functionality
Second, do we have
the necessary financial and personnel resources?
A small police department's success
The turnaround team needs to determine whether the accounting and reporting system produces
the necessary data to produce management reports needed to run the business, and if it accurately captures all the transactions entered into by the company and lists all of its assets and liabilities.
Managing a successful turnaround even in tight capital markets: the team navigating a turnaround must go way beyond reducing headcount alone and focus on seven steps to change the company's direction and improve its cash flow and profitability
In Noyce, the Tax Court held that a corporate official used the business aircraft in
the necessary execution of his duties for travel not regularly or easily scheduled.
Deductibility of business aircraft: private planes no longer are a luxury
* Power: The ability to make decisions at
the necessary instant not only to meet the needs of the customer but also to facilitate the efficient implementation of the manufacturing process
"Core Team" drives change at Inland Tracy: in less than five years, a Core Team of company employees dramatically changed a troubled corrugated box facility into a highly profitable operation
For this to work effectively, under supervision, we allowed the class to go virtually anywhere on camp property to record
the necessary scenes.
Ringing the classroom to summer camp: running a visual media program
For example, students can simply be asked whether or not they feel they have adequate access to both computers and
the necessary software.
Evaluating the use of instructional technology in higher education
(26.) According to Article V of the Genocide Convention, the Contracting Parties undertake to enact, in accordance with their respective Constitutions,
the necessary legislation to give effect to the provisions of the Genocide Convention and, in particular, to provide effective penalties for persons guilty of genocide or of any of the other acts enumerated in Article III.
Petition on Behalf of the Children of Iraq Submitted to the United Nations Charging President Bush and U.S. Authorities Actions Constitute Acts of Genocide
From this point of view, the cumulative importance attributed to all
the necessary factors of causality can obviously exceed 100%.
The risk linked to ionizing radiation: an alternative epidemiologic approach. (Commentaries)
These must meet
the necessary expense test: provide for a taxpayer's and his family's health and welfare and/or the production of income.
Negotiating installment agreements with the IRS Collection Division