the necessary

the necessary

1. The funds that are necessary for or to do something. We're hoping outside investors will be able to provide the necessary to get our company up and running.
2. That which is required, necessary, or mandatory. A: "I know you're sure that the body we recovered belongs to the suspect, but we still need a positive ID from his next of kin." B: "OK, I'll contact his wife to come in and do the necessary."
3. euphemism Urination or defecation. This is the last rest stop for the next four hours, so anyone who needs to do the necessary had better do it now!
4. euphemism, obsolete A toilet or outhouse. Back when I was growing up, nothing was worse than having to go out to the necessary in the middle of the night by yourself.
See also: necessary
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

the necessary

n. money; an income. (Also a really old term for a toilet or bathroom.) I can always use more of the necessary.
See also: necessary
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • prepare for
  • deem it to be necessary
  • deem
  • deem it necessary
  • necessary
  • deem that it is necessary
  • put money up
  • put the money up (for something)
  • put up the money (for something)
  • pay top dollar
References in periodicals archive
CPAs must be vigilant in taking the necessary precautions to protect client information.
In order to achieve this alignment, the Navy instituted a new human capital strategy, which, in part, details a scientific method to determine the optimal number of sailors to execute any given task and ensures those sailors receive the necessary training.
The Catholic Church has always recognized marriages between the nonbaptized that become a Christian sacrament through the baptism of the spouses; nor does she have doubts about the validity of the marriage of a Catholic with a non-baptized person if it is celebrated with the necessary dispensation.
As of July 1, 2006, the effected existing high-rise office buildings must have all of the work completed, including filing of the necessary affidavits with the Department, or they must have a signed contract to complete the work.
However, scheduling preventive maintenance action allowed the staff to have the necessary parts ordered and available to install during the allocated downtime.
In other words, as in Fibre Channel SANs, the necessary management software is key to realizing the benefits of the IP SAN.
Second, do we have the necessary financial and personnel resources?
The turnaround team needs to determine whether the accounting and reporting system produces the necessary data to produce management reports needed to run the business, and if it accurately captures all the transactions entered into by the company and lists all of its assets and liabilities.
In Noyce, the Tax Court held that a corporate official used the business aircraft in the necessary execution of his duties for travel not regularly or easily scheduled.
* Power: The ability to make decisions at the necessary instant not only to meet the needs of the customer but also to facilitate the efficient implementation of the manufacturing process
For this to work effectively, under supervision, we allowed the class to go virtually anywhere on camp property to record the necessary scenes.
For example, students can simply be asked whether or not they feel they have adequate access to both computers and the necessary software.
(26.) According to Article V of the Genocide Convention, the Contracting Parties undertake to enact, in accordance with their respective Constitutions, the necessary legislation to give effect to the provisions of the Genocide Convention and, in particular, to provide effective penalties for persons guilty of genocide or of any of the other acts enumerated in Article III.
From this point of view, the cumulative importance attributed to all the necessary factors of causality can obviously exceed 100%.
These must meet the necessary expense test: provide for a taxpayer's and his family's health and welfare and/or the production of income.