the naked truth

the naked truth

The total, unembellished, and unaltered truth. Used especially to something that someone may consider unpleasant or offensive. While they were created with good intentions, the naked truth is that these policies have set back our economic recovery by at least another five years.
See also: naked, truth
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

naked truth

the complete, unembellished truth. Sorry to put it to you like this, but it's the naked truth. I can take it. Just tell me the naked truth.
See also: naked, truth
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

naked truth

Plain unadorned facts, without concealment or embellishment. For example, What I've told you is the naked truth. This expression supposedly alludes to a fable in which Truth and Falsehood went bathing, Falsehood then dressed in Truth's clothes, and Truth, refusing to take another's clothes, went naked. [Late 1500s]
See also: naked, truth
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

the naked truth

the plain truth, without concealment or embellishment.
This phrase may originally have developed as a translation of the Latin phrase nudaque veritas , found in Horace's Odes, or to any of various fables that personify Truth as a naked woman in contrast to the elaborate dress and artifice of Falsehood.
See also: naked, truth
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

the naked ˈtruth

the truth, which may be unpleasant: If you want the naked truth about it, he’ll certainly give it to you!
See also: naked, truth
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

naked truth

n. the complete, unembellished truth. Sorry to put it to you like this, but it’s the naked truth.
See also: naked, truth
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

naked truth

The plain unvarnished facts. Allegedly this term came from a fable in which Truth and Falsehood went bathing. Falsehood finished first and dressed in Truth’s garments, whereupon Truth, unwilling to take Falsehood’s clothes, went naked. Appealing as this tale may be, the image of unvarnished truth is not that exotic. Tennyson used it in Idylls of the King: “Mere white truth in simple nakedness.” William Safire pointed out that in the 1970s it was a favorite term with journalists, who thus contributed to its survival.
See also: naked, truth
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • naked truth
  • get (one's)/the knife into (someone)
  • get the knife into someone
  • get your knife into somebody
  • knives
  • fall out with (someone) about (something)
  • if looks could kill
  • if looks could kill...
  • come to a bad end
  • come to a bad/sticky end
References in classic literature
And I would have thee know, Sancho, that if the naked truth, undisguised by flattery, came to the ears of princes, times would be different, and other ages would be reckoned iron ages more than ours, which I hold to be the golden of these latter days.
It was one of those occasions which seemed to call for the naked truth."
There was a fearful dismay in this suggestion of my excited imagination, and if I had allowed myself time to dwell upon it, I should no doubt have cut there and then, rushed back to my chamber, and bolted myself in; but whenever a danger or a horror is veiled with uncertainty, the primary wish of the mind is to ascertain first the naked truth, reserving the expedient of flight for the moment when its dread anticipation shall be realized.
I am giving you the naked truth. It's true too that nothing lays itself open to the charge of exaggeration more than the language of naked truth.
"David," says he at last, "I've lost it; there's the naked truth."
In either case the time for suppression is past, and every word which I tell you is the naked truth, and this I swear as I hope for mercy.
And you, gentlemen, I assure you my anecdote is the naked truth. I may remark that reality, although it is governed by invariable law, has at times a resemblance to falsehood.
President Erdogan's revelations to the Turkish National Assembly last Tuesday were underwhelming in terms of his earlier promise to reveal the naked truth.
In the 1995-98 ABC-NBC sitcom series "The Naked Truth," where Tea Leoni was portrayed as a tabloid reporter, Blessing acted as her unbalanced building manager, Mr.
The others held up signs reading: "The naked truth: wool hurts" and "Sheep kicked and beaten for wool."
MON MAY 16 - WEDMAY18 THE NAKED TRUTH Forum Theatre, Billingham, 7.30pm, PS22?
This is Your Captain: The Naked Truth About the Person Flying Your Plane
There's a common denominator in these seemingly-disparate films, and that's Jean-Pierre Dorleac, who chronicles his years in the film industry as a costume designer in his new autobiography The Naked Truth.
A visit by some young nude yoga enthusiasts and a body painting day can't hide the naked truth that naturists really are an incredibly boring bunch.
Just when Ben Chan thought the worst was over after deciding to postpone "The Naked Truth" by a day because of Typhoon "Mario," the visionary board chair of Suyen Corp.