the milk of human kindness

the milk of human kindness

An innate sense of compassion. The phrase comes from Shakespeare's Macbeth. Lisa would never say anything that cruel—she has the milk of human kindness in her.
See also: human, kindness, milk, of
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

milk of human kindness

Fig. natural kindness and sympathy shown to others. (From Shakespeare's play Macbeth, I. v.) Mary is completely hard and selfish—she doesn't have the milk of human kindness in her. Roger is too full of the milk of human kindness and people take advantage of him.
See also: human, kindness, milk, of
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

milk of human kindness, the

Compassion, sympathy, as in There's no milk of human kindness in that girl-she's totally selfish. This expression was invented by Shakespeare in Macbeth (1:5), where Lady Macbeth complains that her husband "is too full of the milk of human kindness" to kill his rivals.
See also: human, milk, of
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

the milk of human kindness

care and compassion for others.
This phrase comes from Macbeth. In Lady Macbeth's soliloquy on the subject of her husband's character, she remarks: ‘Yet I do fear thy nature; It is too full o' the milk of human kindness To catch the nearest way’.
See also: human, kindness, milk, of
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

the milk of human ˈkindness

kind feelings: There’s not much of the milk of human kindness in him. I’ve never known such a hard man.This expression comes from Shakespeare’s play Macbeth.
See also: human, kindness, milk, of
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

milk of human kindness, the

Sympathy, compassion. This expression, too, comes from Shakespeare. He used it in Macbeth (1.5), where Lady Macbeth tells her husband, “Yet do I fear thy nature. It is too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness” (to act as ruthlessly as he must in order to become king). Numerous writers have used the term, often to comment on the souring or curdling of that very milk, although one writer reports of one bishop meeting another and saying, “He had often heard of the milk of human kindness, but never hitherto had he met the cow” (E. M. Sneyd-Kynnersley, H.M.I., 1908).
See also: human, milk, of
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer

milk of human kindness

Compassion or benevolence. Shakespeare again, but this time Macbeth. Lady Macbeth regrets that her husband doesn't have the overwhelming ambition that she has by saying, “Yet do I fear thy nature, It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness. To catch the nearest way.” Macbeth heeds his wife, schemes and murders his way to the throne, and is then deposed and killed. The milk must have curdled. A compliment to a sweetheart of a person is to say that he or she is “full of the milk of human kindness.”
See also: human, kindness, milk, of
Endangered Phrases by Steven D. Price
See also:
  • milk of human kindness
  • milk of human kindness, the
  • kill (one) with kindness
  • kill somebody with kindness
  • kill someone with kindness
  • kill with kindness
  • like a duck to water
  • take to (something) like a duck to water
  • take to something like a duck to water
  • do (one) a kindness
References in classic literature
But in Jane the milk of human kindness had not been curdled by years of matrimonial bickerings.
It is a fact that even the poor gardener's wife, who had nursed madame's child, was never paid after the first six months for that supply of the milk of human kindness with which she had furnished the lusty and healthy little Rawdon.
Besides, a man with the milk of human kindness in him can scarcely abstain from doing a good-natured action, and one cannot be good-natured all round.
Because where there is cake batter, there runs the milk of human kindness. Where there are cookies, and raised pies, and madeleines, and tortes, it is legally indefensible to start a fight.
It is really heartwarming to know with all the horrendous things going on in this country that the milk of human kindness is still with us.
The building's name, which means 'drop of milk' in Spanish, alludes to this mission which has remained essentially unchanged for more than a century: to impart the milk of human kindness to the children of the less fortunate in the form of nutritional supplements and health care.
'This action has, no doubt, shown him to be a listening and compassionate leader in whom the milk of human kindness is flowing.
"That's what you call the milk of human kindness," remarked Peter as they waved us on our way.
* The milk of human kindness should not be bottled up.
You appear full of the milk of human kindness, and why not?
Shakespeare crystallised thoughts into unforgettable sayings such as what's done is done, what the dickens is his name, budge an inch, fill'd with the milk of human kindness, along with numerous others'.
One can put out this fire of anger and hatred by focusing on present opportunities to be kind and compassionate, thereby drinking the milk of human kindness to quench the thirst for revenge.
The milk of human kindness, to use an old phrase, must be nurtured, for which all sane individuals and organizations must strive unceasingly.
the milk of human kindness. His four younger brothers sucked the same
Housing, cars, personal loans, educational loans, loans on earlier loans all offered by your friendly, next door banker who gets up in the morning and has his corn flakes sloshed over with the milk of human kindness, his whole life a dedication to your comfort.