A comparison of
the masses for these weights for the 1965, 1971, and 1989 determinations is shown in Fig.
Uncertainty in NIST force measurements
The siting of the pergola catches the edges of
the masses while letting the axis of the entrance slip by, thus gently defining another volume.
Red shift
Some churches that have religious education for children between
the Masses on Sunday mornings offer "faith formation" and doughnuts for the parents, too.
How to draw kids in Mass: if the most frequent chorus you hear at Mass is "When is it going to be over?" it's time for you and your parish to learn more about strategies for child-friendly liturgies. (Cover Story)
Scientists haven't had enough information to determine
the masses of these quarks.
Exotic processes probe the heart of matter. (Rare Events)
The masses prevented us from making an accurate stroboscopic examination of the normal portions of the vocal folds.
Bilateral granuloma and varicosity in the midportion of the vocal folds. (Laryngoscopic Clinic)
McArthur says that the team expects over the next year to ferret out
the masses of several other planets from existing Hubble data.
Hubble weighs in: pinning down an extrasolar planet's mass
The masses were 7 and 5 cm in diameter on the right and left, respectively; the skin covering the two masses was normal.
Head and neck granulocytic sarcoma with acute myeloid leukemia: Three rare cases
Other techniques described last month, while more speculative, may eventually enable astronomers to measure
the masses of black holes going back to the era when galaxies first formed.
X rays unveil secret lives of black holes
Another six stars require further study before
the masses of their companions can be accurately measured.
Are most extrasolar planets hefty imposters?
Both theory and experiment so far suggest that any neutrino masses would be so peculiarly small as to be far out of line with
the masses of all other forms of matter.
A Little Mass Goes a Long Way
Such a configuration rotates as if
the masses were fixed to a turntable.
Following gravity's loops and knots
But the standard model of fundamental particles and interactions says nothing directly about
the masses of quarks and leptons.
Beyond the top: now that physicists have found the top quark, what's next?
In addition, says Lee Samuel Finn of Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill., knowing
the masses of binary neutron stars will prove invaluable for analyzing observations with a set of gravitational wave detectors now under construction.
Natural mass limit for neutron-star pairs?
"Although we don't have a good [theoretical] understanding of what any of
the masses of the fundamental constituents are," says Chris Quigg, also of Fermilab, "the top is now so much heavier than any of the others.
In search of the elusive top quark
The new technique measures
the masses of huge protein molecules far more swiftly, accurately and easily than gel electrophoresis, the standard method for such analyses, say chemists Brian T.
Analyzing protein cocktails in a snap