sweat for

sweat for (something)

1. To work very hard at or expend a great deal of effort for some task, endeavor, or purpose. She makes it look effortless on stage, but people who know her personally can attest that she sweats for her art every single day. I've been sweating for this company for nearly 40 years, and all they do when I retire is buy me a crappy cake? Some people are content to sponge off of others, but I've always sweated for everything I've earned.
2. To be extremely nervous or fearful of losing something. I know a lot of people are sweating for their jobs after the most recent earnings report. The prisoners sweated for their lives as they awaited the verdict.
See also: sweat
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

sweat for something

Fig. to work very hard for something. I sweat for every dollar I bring in. Ted really sweats for his salary.
See also: sweat
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • sweat for (something)
  • put (oneself) out
  • put oneself out
  • put out
  • expend
  • knock (oneself) out
  • knock oneself out
  • knock out
  • expend (something) for (something)
  • expend for
References in periodicals archive
Mean Percent Change in Sweat for Controls During Stimulation After Exposure to a Thermally Neutral Environmental Temperature.
The Staphylococcus bacteria on your skin break down the salt and oil in sweat for nutrients.
Until recently, the use of sweat for drug testing has been hampered by difficulties in sample recovery and by the limited sensitivities of analytical methods (6).
Laboratory personnel analyzed sweat for chloride (47.3%), conductivity (46.4%), sodium (4.3%), and osmolarity (2.0%) using a variety of methods.
Should warnings about salt be modified for people who exercise heavily enough to sweat for an hour or more a day?
Analysis of sweat for methadone was first reported in 1973 [1], but until recently no one developed a practical solution to the problem of collecting an adequate specimen for testing.