be in the spotlight

be in the spotlight

1. Literally, to be positioned in a beam of light, typically while performing onstage. The director assured me that I would be in the spotlight for my solo.
2. By extension, to be the center of attention. My sister loves being in the spotlight, but I get really nervous on stage. Once news of this scandal breaks, our company will be in the spotlight for months.
See also: spotlight
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • in the spotlight
  • in/under the spotlight
  • spotlight
  • ray of light
  • play 3D chess
  • early beam
  • early beams
  • step out of line
  • dimensional
  • play three-dimensional chess
References in periodicals archive
Spotlight Veto "is guaranteed to be in the spotlight at the Veto Meeting, because this Veto has to be used to save one of the two nominees from the chopping block.
Now the whole city knows how it feels to be in the spotlight.
Officially the title is for 2008 and so from now until then the city and the people within it will be in the spotlight. When Jeremy Isaacs summed up why his commit-tee of judges chose Liverpool, he added the caveat that now the hard work really beg ins.
We could still retain and enjoy the thrilling rough and tumble physical aspect of our national sport without the cheating side.Not only would their on-field behaviour be in the spotlight, but so would their opponents.