tend toward the creative side and he tends toward the business side."
Michael Kleinberg: designing relationships
Rather than seeking inspiration from this melting pot of cultures, however, models for the development of tourism
tend toward Eurocentric scenographic solutions.
Pirates of the Caribbean: local practice, Architects Cubed, discuss how tourism and Colonial pastiche are challenging development of an authentic architectural typology across much of the Caribbean
Such interactions are best understood as dynamic systems that
tend toward stable patterns but that can change in response to pressure applied at key times, contend Patterson and psychologist Isabela Granic of the University of Toronto.
Violent developments: disruptive kids grow into their behavior
In such a career, the best that can be hoped for is increasing refinement of a given set of strategies--which may well be a worthy goal, but one that will, I think, inevitably
tend toward irrelevance.
Peripheral vision: Isabelle Graw on the art of Jutta Koether
Although her politics
tend toward radical libertarianism, she sees some benefit to "some of what is being done in the name of SarbOx compliance," along with a lot of burdensome requirements that make little sense.
You can be too careful: how the government's new corporate accounting rules impede efficiency and stifle innovation
Some studies have shown that people who eat fish tend to consume less meat and cheese, and may
tend toward eating other healthy foods like vegetables and brown rice.
Facing facts about fish
After all, if terrorist groups are to sustain their operations, they likely will
tend toward mounting suicide attacks on commercial and military vessels for such purposes as--
Terror by sea: the unique challenges of port security
Fishermen are known for telling tales of their catches that
tend toward exaggeration.
Fish tales to ensure health
tend toward revitalization of derelict inner-city properties and brownfields.
Urban Wal-Marts: no big easy
The narrative is readable and the writing fairly competent, although the characterizations
tend toward the two-dimensional.
Spirits white as lightning
Cicatricial pemphigoid is a chronic, systemic, autoimmune disease characterized by progressive bullous skin and mucous membrane lesions that
tend toward scarring and involution.
Cicatricial pemphigoid: Report of five cases. (Original Article)
For his part, Brown goes on with a metacritical discussion of the nature and limits of historical understanding itself, a discussion that concludes with the judicious acknowledgement that the "abstracting, genera lizing, and universalizing tendencies" of theoretical models need to be resisted" (49) where they
tend toward the homogenization of a world more complex than most scholarly theories can admit.
Reading Dreams: The Interpretation of Dreams from Chaucer to Shakespeare. (Reviews)
Therefore, they are sacred and bear specialized properties that
tend toward the supernatural.
"Amen" and "Ashe": African American Protestant worship and its West African ancestor
In fact, many journals that
tend toward highly quantitative articles request that referees assess a manuscript's potential for being understood by readers who are not prepared to assimilate the quantitative content.
Qualitative research and the editorial tradtion: a mixed metaphor
The three discursive complexes which Olaniyan identifies (Eurocentric, Afrocentric, and post-Afrocentric) all
tend toward expressive and performative propositions of culture and identity, Olaniyan argues.
Scars of Conquest/Masks of Resistance