common name

common name

The name of a species of organisms based on normal, everyday language, as opposed to the Latinized scientific (taxonomic) name. A single common name is often attributed to what are in fact multiple, distinct species of animals.
See also: common, name
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • in the name of
  • in the name of (someone or something)
  • in the name of sb/sth
  • put a name to
  • put a name to (someone or something)
  • put a name to somebody/something
  • go by
  • go-by
  • by name
  • lights
References in periodicals archive
Noah, for example, is more commonly found in the cities of Be'er Sheva, Modi'in, Netanya, Petah Tikva and the remaining big cities, with the exception of Jerusalem and Bnei Brak, featuring among the six most common names.
It also shows the most common names are likely to be male but new names or those dying out are most likely female.
Its name change is part of major corporate rebranding of its international Danish owner BHJ to unite all its companies under one common name.
"Eucharist" is today--and it is entirely right that it be so--the most common name for the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ, which the Lord instituted on the night before his Passion.
Similarly, Baum (1999) reported that a component nursing home that shared a common name with 50 percent of the other homes in its chain was 80 percent less likely to fail than a comparable component that did not share a common name with any other member of its chain.
Mountain folks call it "sweet bubbies." It was often planted in front of country churches and when it was in bloom, ladies would tuck a few blossoms in their cleavage for the sweet fragrance--hence, their common name." Doug Elliott in a nutshell.
US -- The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) now requires fitting new commercial aircraft weighing 75,000 pounds or more with "hush-kits" -- the common name for sound-deadening equipment -- to reduce engine noise during takeoff and landing.
A common name for a Somali business, Barakat, with various English spellings, means "blessing." But Al-Barakaat is one of two major international consortiums which the U.S.
Under the agreement RealNames will integrate CNNIC's Chinese Common Name System, a platform that allows people to access web sites by inputting Chinese characters, with its own Keyword registration and resolution system.
(Yellow Tail is a common name for one of the more colorful kangaroos in Australia, the company says.) Yellow Tail Shiraz and Chardonnay are both available in 750 ml and 1.5 liter bottles.
The new standard fluid SRM 2490 consists of a similar high-molecular-mass polyisobutylene dissolved in 2,6,10, 14-tetramethylpentadecane (common name pristane).
If you have a common name, jump on the [dot-pro] bandwagon because you won't be able to get a dot-com."
Common Name: cedar, atlas cedar, deodar cedar; others
Its upper tail is enlarged and appears to be split, giving the fish its common name. Historically, it occurred in the Sacramento River as far north as Redding and in the San Joaquin River almost as far south as Fresno.
As a person with a common name, Dennis, I still have to often say "two Ns", so I sympathise with people who will spend their whole life facing problems giving their name.