thrust down

thrust down

1. To push, shove, or slam someone or something downward. A noun or pronoun can be used between "thrust" and "down." The operator thrust down the lever to start the assembly line. I hauled the mattress up the stairs and thrust it down in the master bedroom. The police officer thrust the suspect down on the sidewalk to restrain him.
2. To stab, jab, or drive something downward. A noun or pronoun can be used between "thrust" and "down." The fisherman thrust the spear down without even looking and still managed to catch a fish with it. I kept thrusting down the plunger, trying to dislodge the blockage from the drain.
3. To push, shove, or drive something down into or inside of something else. A noun or pronoun is used between "thrust" and "down." The criminal thrust the bag of drugs down the storm drain to hide it from police. I thrust the rod down the pipe to clear the clump of mud.
See also: down, thrust
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

thrust something down something

to jab or stab something down into something. The keeper quickly thrust the medicine down the lion's throat. The chimney sweep thrust his brush down the chimney.
See also: down, thrust

thrust something down

to jab something downward. Max thrust the knife down and speared a piece of chicken. He thrust down the fork like a spear.
See also: down, thrust
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • bear down
  • ask down
  • call down
  • clean down
  • chow down
  • chow something down
  • clunk
  • clunk down
  • brush down
  • button down
References in classic literature
They saw it but for a glimpse for the window was instantly thrust down; but that glimpse had been sufficient, and they turned and left the court without a word.
He thrust down his long staff to Robin crying, "Lay hold of that, an your fists whirl not so much as your head!"
The adversary waited a while, with his shoulders still lifted, his head thrust down between them, and his keen bright eye fixed on me; then he threw out two or three more insults, which I could not understand, further than that I knew a portion of them consisted of language not used in church.
He thrust down his hand but could feel no money, but still was persuaded it must be there.
The ship began now to fill; several passengers came on board, who were embarked on no criminal account, and these had accommodations assigned them in the great cabin, and other parts of the ship, whereas we, as convicts, were thrust down below, I know not where.
Mere percentages thrust down the throats of common folks will just not do.
Kyle Edwards, his successor, added an offensive thrust down the right side and more than played his part in the turnaround.
Dhanda took his goal well and added a spark in midfield, Grimes was cool and calm, Daniel James provided a real thrust down the right and there were others too who had their moments.
Offered thrust down the left as he was time and again allowed to run through unchecked, but his delivery was too often found to be wanting.
Turning into the straight, Moore and Gold Dream, trained by Osamu Hirata, were just a length ahead of the last-placed runner and it was not until well inside the final furlong that it became apparent their thrust down the outside had any chance of landing the prize.
Yes, Ant and Dec are back next month with their annual pantomime of outback fun, cram-packed with didgeridoos and kangaroo genitalia, and the joy of watching minor celebrities have cockroaches thrust down their knickers.
Even though it weighs a monstrous 2,420kg, its bulk is thrust down the road by a 6.0-litre engine producing 600bhp.
Even though it weighs a monstrous 2420kg, its bulk is thrust down the road by a 6.0-litre engine producing 600bhp.
WE have been having devolution and an elected mayor for the area of Tees Valley thrust down our throats of late and how it will improve the Tees Valley.
For a brief period midway through the first half, Newcastle showed a bit of attacking thrust down the left, Ayoze Perez and Haidara linking well.