look (at something) through rose-coloured spectacles

look (at something) through rose-coloured spectacles

To assume a generally optimistic and cheerful attitude (toward something); to focus only or mostly on the positive aspects (of something). Primarily heard in UK. I know nostalgia can be misleading, but I really look at my childhood through rose-coloured spectacles. It seems like Mary only looks through rose-coloured spectacles, like she's in incapable of dealing with the negative things in life!
See also: look, spectacle, through
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • spectacle
  • look (at something) through rose-colored glasses
  • look (at something) through rose-tinted glasses
  • look (at something) through rose-tinted spectacles
  • tint
  • see (something) through rose-coloured spectacles
  • see through rose-colored glasses
  • see (something) through rose-colored glasses
  • wear rose-colored glasses
  • through rose-coloured spectacles