the last word

the last word

1. The final words in an argument or discussion, especially one that decisively or conclusively ends it. Everyone started shouting, trying to get in the last word, and the whole meeting just descended into chaos.
2. The most recent, modern, or advanced version of something. Typically followed by "in (something)." It may not look like much, but I can assure you that this machine is the last word in neural imaging.
See also: last, word
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

*last word

 and *final word; *final say
Fig. the final point (in an argument); the final decision (in some matter). (*Typically: get ~; have ~; give some one ~.) The boss gets the last word in hiring. Why do you always have to have the final word in an argument?
See also: last, word
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

last word, the

1. The final statement in a verbal argument, as in Karen is never satisfied unless she has the last word. [Late 1800s]
2. A conclusive or authoritative statement or treatment; also, the power or authority of ultimate decision. For example, This report is considered to be the last word on genetic counseling, or In financial matters, the treasurer has the last word. [Late 1800s]
3. The latest thing; the newest, most fashionable of its kind. For example, Our food processor is the last word in kitchen gadgetry. [c. 1930]
See also: last
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

the last word


the final word

COMMON If someone has the last word or the final word in a discussion or argument, they are the one who wins it or who makes the final decision. She does like to have the last word in any discussion. The final word will come from the Secretary of State.
See also: last, word
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

the ˌlast ˈword (in something)

the most recent, most fashionable, etc. of its type: They say that this new car is the last word in luxury. This is the last word in computer technology.
See also: last, word

your/the last/final ˈword (on/about something)

your, etc. final decision or statement about something: ‘Will you take £900?’ ‘No, £1 000 and that’s my last word.’ Is that your final word on the matter?
See also: final, last, word
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • last word
  • last word, the
  • last word, to have the
  • get in the last word
  • have the last word
  • the final say
  • the final word
  • your/the last/final word
  • have the final word
  • have the last say
References in periodicals archive
"I'm delighted that the Last Word is going from strength to strength and I don't envisage any approaches from TV3."
The last words from the cockpit of the plane before it disappeared from civilian radar were actually 'Good night, Malaysian three seven zero'.
"I'm not able to climb," were the last words of the pilot of the Beechcraft King Air twin-turboprop, the Toronto Star reported.
THE last words of the 9/11 victims will be heard at Zacarias Moussaoui's trial in a bid to convince jurors he should die for his crimes.
According to testimony issued by a fellow Ranger, who was at Tillman's side when he was killed, the last words
Notice that the last words of the first, second, and fifth lines must rhyme with each other, and the last words of the third and fourth lines rhyme differently,
One version of the scene at Winston Churchill's deathbed in 1965 credits him with the last words: 'I am ready to meet my maker.
Lisa Neal's essay on "Reading Ultima Verba: Commemoration and Friendship in Montaigne's Writing" is concerned with last words, "the last words of others and the privileged status [Montaigne] accords them; he seems to perceive them as transparent and transmissible, provided that they are recorded by the dying person's friend" (45).
Authorities have further complicated the ever growing mystery of the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, by revealing on Monday that the last words heard from the plane's cockpit was not "All right, good night" after all.
The last words in the column "'Gay marriage' is here to stay" presume that the immediate defeat is also a permanent one.
A recent crossword clue led to the last words of Lord Palmerston: 'Dying, my dear doctor, that's the last thing I shall do!' It would be nice if we could all prepare something witty for the occasion, but the problem is the timing - we might say it too soon, and be forced to keep silent for years to come.
Set to the music of David Byrne, the piece incorporates the short film The Last Words, based on two short stories by Julio Cortazar.
The latest update about the missing aircraft Boeing 777 reveals a changed version of the last words of one of the pilots of missing MH370.
The last words in 2 Samuel and 1 Kings paint a picture of the ideal king, articulate the retribution theology of the Deuteronomistic Historian, and enunciate David's brutal advice to Solomon to get rid of all his enemies.
The last words are code words for abortion on demand.