
blued, screwed, and tattooed

1. rude slang Cheated or swindled; unfairly deprived or taken advantage of. Likely of naval origin. I always bring my dad with me when I go to get my car repaired, because I'm always nervous I'll end up getting blued, screwed, and tattooed. We should have won that game, but we were really blued, screwed, and tattooed by the ref.
2. rude slang Having no chance of success or recovery; in a hopeless or unsalvageable position or situation. Man, we are totally blued, screwed, and tattooed if we can't get this prototype working before the big presentation. After yet another flop on the market, the tech company is seeming pretty blued, screwed, and tattooed at this point.
3. vulgar slang Of navy sailors on shore leave, having had sex with someone, with a tattoo to commemorate one's naval experience. My old navy buddies always joked that the only thing we wanted to do when we got to shore was get blued, screwed, and tattooed.
See also: and, tattoo

screwed, blued, and tattooed

1. rude slang Cheated or swindled; unfairly deprived or taken advantage of. Likely of naval origin. I always bring my dad with me when I go to get my car repaired, because I'm always nervous I'll end up getting screwed, blued, and tattooed. We should have won that game, but we were really screwed, blued, and tattooed by the ref.
2. rude slang Having no chance of success or recovery; in a hopeless or unsalvageable position or situation. Man, we are totally screwed, blued, and tattooed if we can't get this prototype working before the big presentation. After yet another flop on the market, the tech company is seeming pretty screwed, blued, and tattooed at this point.
See also: and, tattoo

stewed, screwed, and tattooed

vulgar slang Of navy sailors on shore leave, having gotten drunk ("stewed"), had sex with someone ("screwed"), and received a tattoo to commemorate the experience. My old navy buddies always joked that the only thing we wanted to do when we got to shore was get stewed, screwed, and tattooed.
See also: and, tattoo
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

screwed, blued, and tattooed

1. Sl. taken advantage of I got a bad deal. I got screwed, blued, and tattooed. When John bought his wreck of a car, he got screwed, blued, and tattooed.
2. Sl. intoxicated. Who wants to go out and get screwed, blued, and tattooed? All four of them went out and got screwed, blued, and tattooed.
See also: and, tattoo
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

screwed, blued, and tattooed

(ˈskrud ˈblud æn tæˈtud)
1. mod. badly mistreated; badly screwed. When John bought his wreck of a car, he got screwed, blued, and tattooed.
2. mod. alcohol intoxicated. Who wants to go out and get screwed, blued, and tattooed?
See also: and, tattoo
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • blued, screwed, and tattooed
  • screwed, blued, and tattooed
  • shafted
  • get screwed
  • get taken to the cleaners (by someone)
  • cleaner
  • be taken to the cleaners (by someone)
  • get the shaft
  • shaft
  • get taken in (by someone or something)
References in periodicals archive
She did a rough sketch on Trillo's left shoulder using a ball pen to explain how she wanted to add on his current tattoo of a sun.
'The plans of the diligent one surely make for advantage, but everyone that is hasty surely heads for want.' (Proverbs 21:5) The decision to get a tattoo is often made in haste, yet it can have a long-term impact on relationships and employment.
Police forces in particular have traditionally been very strict on their policies about visible tattoos, but last year saw the Metropolitan Police relax their rules in a bid to attract more recruits.
"I first trained as a tattoo artist in 1979 and by 1981 you couldn't get into a pub if you had tattoos.
Consumers that have symptoms of an infection or injury from a tattoo should consult their healthcare provider and notify their tattoo artist.
Tattoo convention with dozens of local and foreign talented tattoo artists, with the main goal of presenting to the world their art and techniques.
Ms Peach had her first tattoo at the age of 18 when she had her best friend's surname tattooed on her ankle, and he did the same.
"So I had my face tattooed to force myself to become a tattoo artist.
However, another 1 in 10 parents thought a tattoo would be okay as a reward, to mark a special occasion or if the tattoo could be hidden.
You are left with no option other than to go from one sketchy tattoo shop to the next.
"My grandfather was a carpenter and a tattoo artist, and my aunt was a teacher and also worked in tattooing," he said.
The mummies are located at the British Museum which stated at the time that the tattoos were on the upper arms of the male and female mummies, describing the male's tattoo depicting a bull and a Barbary sheep, while the woman's tattoo shows linear and S-shaped motifs.
Tattoo: British Tattoo Art Revealed, being held at Rozelle House, is a celebration of the once underground activity of permanently marking the skin.
'When my mum first saw my tattoo she burst into tears and I thought my dad was going to kill me.
The time it takes him to create a tattoo depends on the size and complexity of the pattern.