- (a)round these parts
- along these lines
- along those lines
- alt-tab out
- between you me and the bedpost
- between you, me, and these four walls
- blur out
- convert (in)to (something)
- cream up
- cube out
- dampen down
- dampen off
- ding up
- drag in
- dress out
- drink off
- drop by
- drop round
- duff up
- dumb down
- dump out
- ease in
- edge up
- fetch away
- finish with (someone or something)
- fork off
- frame up
- frig off
- frig up
- fuck about
- fuzz out
- gay up
- gee up
- get back
- get down
- get off on (something)
- get off with (something)
- get through to (someone or something)
- get to (do something)
- get to (someone or something)
- get up to (something)
- get up to speed
- give away
- glam up
- goth up
- grab (something) off (of) (one)
- grass up
- gray out
- gross up
- haul (one) down to (some place)
- haul around
- have (one) up
- have on
- heal up
- heap (someone or something) with (something)
- heat through
- hedge in
- herd together
- hide behind (someone or something)
- hit off
- hold aloft
- hold in
- hollow out
- hose down
- hose off
- howl out
- hulk off
- hunt out
- hush down
- ice over
- imprint on (someone or something)
- in the circumstances
- in these parts
- Is that what they're calling it these days?
- jab (something) into (something else)
- jab (something) out at (someone or something)
- jab out
- jockey around
- justify (something) by (doing something)
- justify (something) to (one)
- keep (someone or something) for (someone or something)
- keep (someone or something) in order
- keep (someone or something) in sight
- keep (something) to a minimum
- keep ahead (of someone or something)
- keep from (doing something)
- keep in step (with someone or something)
- keep inside
- key down
- key into (something)
- key off
- key out
- kick cold (turkey)
- kick down
- kit out
- kit up
- knot together
- lash up
- lay back
- leave (something or someone) standing
- let out
- muscle up
- nail down
- nicen up
- one of these days
- one of these days is none of these days
- order up
- pack (someone or something) off to (some place)
- pack in
- pack on
- pack out
- parcel out
- pimp up
- pinch off
- pinch out
- pink up
- pit in
- pit out
- pitch up
- plant out
- pluck up
- plug out
- plunge in
- pop in
- pork up
- prone out
- push (someone or something) under (something)
- push away
- push together
- put across
- put asunder
- queer up
- queue up
- rag off
- rain off
- rain out
- rake off
- rark up
- read in
- read into (something)
- ready up
- reel out
- reel up
- rem out
- rim out
- ring in
- ring off
- rip (someone or something) in half
- rip (someone or something) in twain
- rip (someone or something) in two
- rip (someone or something) out of (something)
- rip down
- rip out
- roar off
- roar on
- roughen up
- round/in these parts
- rub off
- rug up
- run back
- run into (someone, something, or some place)
- run past (someone or something)
- run through (something)
- run up against (someone or something)
- run up on (someone or something)
- rust off
- save (something) as (something else)
- save down
- scent out
- score off (someone or something)
- screen in
- screw back
- scuzz up
- sell away
- sell down
- sell on
- sell up
- send back
- send off
- send out
- serve out
- serve up (something)
- settle up
- sew (someone or something) up
- share out
- shift off
- shine up
- shit out
- shoo away
- shoo off
- shoot through
- short out
- shovel in
- shovel out
- shower down
- shrink up
- sight in
- sing down
- sing up
- skin back
- skittle out
- smack out
- snack down
- snaffle up
- sneak in
- sneak past (someone or something)
- snow out
- spell off
- spike up
- spill out (of something)
- spin down
- spin up
- splinter up
- sponge out
- spook out
- squeak out
- staff up
- stand up against (someone or something)
- stiffen up
- stitch (something) onto (something else)
- stitch on
- stock (something) with (something else)
- store (something) in (something or some place)
- strap up
- stretch out to (someone, something, or some place)
- strum on (something)
- stuff down
- style up
- subdivide into (something)
- suck down
- suck from (something)
- suck under
- suds up
- sue (someone or something) out of (something)
- suffix (something) onto (something else)
- suffuse with (something)
- suggest (something) to (one)
- superimpose (someone or something) on(to) (someone or something
- supply (someone or something) with (someone or something)
- sweep back
- sweep down
- swish (something) off of (someone or something)
- tab out
- tack (something) onto (something else)
- tack down
- tail (something) in(to) (something)
- tailor (something) to (someone or something)
- taint (something) with (something)
- take (one) behind the woodshed
- take (one) for a ride
- take (one) for a sleigh ride
- take (one) to the woodshed
- take (someone or something) for granted
- take (someone or something) in hand
- take (someone or something) into account
- take (someone or something) to court
- take (someone or something) to law
- take down
- take in
- take off
- take on
- take out
- take over
- take to
- take up
- tamp down
- tap (someone or something) with (something)
- tap in
- tap on (something)
- tape out
- target (someone or something) as (something)
- tear (someone or something) in half
- tear (someone or something) in twain
- tear (someone or something) in two
- tear (something) on (something)
- tear down
- tear off
- tell (someone or something) from (someone or something else)
- these days
- these four walls
- these things are sent to try us
- these things happen
- throw about
- tip back
- tip up
- track (something) all over
- track (something) into (some place)
- track in
- tractor out
- trade at (some place)
- trade with (one)
- train up
- tramp down
- transcribe (something) from (something)
- transcribe (something) in (something)
- transcribe (something) into (something)
- translate (something) from (something)
- translate (something) into (something)
- translate (something) to (something)
- transliterate (something) into (something)
- transliterate (something) to (something)
- transmute (something) into (something)
- transmute (something) to (something)
- transpose (something) to (something)
- trash out
- tread out
- trim up
- truck in
- truck out
- turn up like a bad penny
- unload from (something)
- value (something) at (some amount of money)
- waft off
- wangle (something) from (one)
- wet through
- What brings you around these parts?
- whip in
- whistle up
- will away
- will on
- wind off
- winkle out
- With friends like these, who needs enemies?
- wrangle (something) out of (someone)
- wrangle out
- wrap up
- wreathe around (something)
- wrinkle up
- write against (someone or something)
- write into (something or some place)
- write on (someone or something)
- write to (someone or something)
- zip down
- zip up