tight squeeze

tight squeeze

1. A very small, cramped area for someone or something to fit into. The plane's seat was a tight squeeze, but for such a low airfare it was a pretty minor complaint. It was a tight squeeze, but we managed to get the sofa through the door and up the stairs.
2. A very narrow window of time in which to accomplish something. I'll be a tight squeeze, but we should make it to the airport with just enough time to make our flight. Due to the nature of our work, we're used to tight squeezes when it comes to deadlines.
See also: squeeze, tight
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

tight squeeze

A difficulty caused by too little time or space, or too little credit or funds. For example, It will be a tight squeeze to get there on time, or I don't know if the sofa will go through the door; it's a tight squeeze , or The company's in a tight squeeze because of poor cash flow. This idiom uses tight in the sense of "too narrow or constricted." [c. 1900]
See also: squeeze, tight
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

a tight squeeze

If something is a tight squeeze, there is very little room for the people or things in a place. Six people can fit comfortably around this table. Seven is a tight squeeze. The rooms are luxurious and comfortable, although the bathrooms are a tight squeeze.
See also: squeeze, tight
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

a ˌtight ˈsqueeze

a situation where you do not have much space to put things in: We managed to get all the luggage in the car but it was a tight squeeze.
See also: squeeze, tight
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • a tight squeeze
  • crush (something) out of (someone or something)
  • crush out of
  • squeeze into
  • squeeze into (something)
  • squeeze out
  • squeeze out (of something)
  • squeeze (something) out of (someone or something)
  • squeeze by
  • someone's main squeeze
References in classic literature
In spite of the enlargement of the entrance we had made, it was still a tight squeeze for us to get in.
You enter in small boats--and a tight squeeze it is, too.
It's a tight squeeze - all because one of these wallabies is an imposter.
Tight squeeze Bus trying to manoeuvre past car parked out Riverside Restaurant earlier this month
TIGHT SQUEEZE Star's James Doyle is well marshalled by Larne's Fuad Sule and Graham Kelly
The move often means that, during rush hour, buses on opposite sides of the road stop side-by-side - making it a tight squeeze for other vehicles to pass.
Snowy the cat gets stuck between shed and fence THIS curious cat got into a tight squeeze after falling eight feet down a tiny gap between a shed and a fence.
Most of us managed to get on, but it was a tight squeeze and we could not "move along" any more when we were already packed in like sardines.
A roundabout 3.7 kilometres from the finish of this 237.5km run from Saumur - the longest stage of this year's Tour - caused a tight squeeze in the peloton, and although nobody went down, Cavendish was caught out all the same.
When she did it for real, on stage at Birmingham's New Alexandra Theatre, it was a tight squeeze but Beth managed fine.
It was built in the 1950s and is popular for its scenic views SUMMIT SPECIAL Ben Vane, part of the Arrochar Alps, is small but perfectly formed as it scrapes in by just two feet TIGHT SQUEEZE This house in Millport on the island of Great Cumbrae holds the world record for its narrow frontage MAKING WAWVAV A ES The entrance to Seacliff Harbour near North Berwick in East Lothian is only two metres wide PINT SIZED The Wee Pub in Edinburgh's Grassmarket claims to be the smallest in the country at 17ft by 14ft.
By any standards, living here will prove to be a tight squeeze.
In return she gave her beau a tight squeeze as she continued her gruelling action-packed day of singing and dancing.
4 A TIGHT SQUEEZE Finely dice the vegetables from the stock and add to the meat.