Class 26 - 1 I Watt, Hillhead; 2 I Watt.
--Class B-R notes spread changed to 1.35% from 2.25% on
class B-1 notes and from a fixed coupon of 3.91% on
class B-2 notes;
Fitch Ratings assigns rating to ICG refinancing notes
* Refinancing for $400,000 for a three story, mixed use, non-elevatored building containing six
Class A apartments and one commercial unit located in Brooklyn, NY.
Emigrant Funding Corporation
I also remember taking a
class as a member of Repertory Dance Theatre in Salt Lake City and feeling inadequate because of my limited physical range.
Teacher's wisdom
Four different research methods were employed:
class observations, faculty interviews, review of student course evaluation forms, and analysis of online database transcripts.
Participation and interaction: F2F vs. online
The advocates say the results are greater costs--not only for the remedial
classes but also for the reduced earnings of remedial students, who are more likely to drop out of college without a degree.
Graduated, but unprepared: many high school graduates are entering college in need of remedial classes
Likewise, a chapter on the Manual Labor Schools tells fascinating stories of Lafayette and Oberlin Colleges in the 1830s and 1840s, noting how the "the conservative strain of the movement" celebrated the healthful effects of manual life (but not hand work?!) to "give expression to a harmonious vision of
Minding the Machine: Languages of Class in Early Industrial America
Students signed up for one or more excerpts from the texts which they would summarize and present to the
class on Tuesdays.
Religion and beauty in the classroom
If the Radioshack
class is certified by the Court of Federal Claims, depending on how the
class is certified, taxpayers either (i) will be automatically included in the
class action, or (ii) will have the option of affirmatively electing to be included in the
class action.
Class action lawsuit filed seeking refunds of communications excise tax
Turn on the TV and the fitness channel has a variety of yoga
classes and styles to choose from.
Yoga and movement for your life: Teresa Soule explores the state of movement therapies across the region
Students were instructed to fill out the form at the end of each
class and place it in a box that was located by the door as they exited.
A comparison of lecture ratings by Native Speakers of English with EFL students at two universities: University of Mississippi and Dokuz Eylul University
class actions, the IRS and the circuit courts have taken different approaches on the proper tax treatment of fee awards in "opt-in" and "opt out"
class action lawsuits.
Class actions and the attorneys' fees conundrum
Recruitment announcements instructed interested potential participants to call to reserve a place in an Orientation
Class. Eight sections of the Orientation
Class were held at a centrally located, state-of-the-art community center.
Design and implementation of an Osteoporosis Prevention Program using the Health Belief Model
Software to automate and control the process of storage service delivery differs from traditional monitoring tools by allowing IT departments to package the systems operations, human work-flow and policies required to deliver a specific
class of storage to a specific application--then deploy these "packaged services" as a repeatable, software-automated process.
Tiered storage: does all data have to fly first class?
In this article, the authors explore the complex interaction among race, culture, and social
class, its impact on middle-class African American adolescents, and culturally responsive counseling.
Counseling African American adolescents: the impact of race, culture, and middle class status