
Related to straight: straight poker, Straight Talk


1. adjective, slang Heterosexual. We all wondered if he was straight or not. I don't think there was a single straight woman at the concert.
2. adjective, slang Not under the effects or influence of drugs or alcohol; sober. I've been on a bender all weekend. Now I need to get straight before the big board meeting.
3. adjective, slang Feeling relieved or functional from the ingestion of drugs or alcohol. I just need a quick line of coke to get me straight, then I'm off the stuff for good! Here, drink this whiskey. It'll help get you straight.
4. adjective, slang Having no debt owed to or by someone else. Just buy me lunch and we'll be straight. Sound good? Here's that $50 I owed you. I wanted us to be straight before I moved.
5. adjective, slang Traditional or conservative (in morals, politics, faith, etc.). My parents are the straightest people I know, so I was shocked to learn that they regularly smoked weed in college. He used to have some pretty outlandish views during college, but he's gotten rather straight as he's gotten older.
6. adjective, slang Having no more cause for quarrel, disagreement, or misunderstanding. A: "How're things with you and Brian? Did you get things worked out?" B: "Yeah, we're straight."
7. noun, slang A heterosexual person. Usually used in the plural. We don't get too many straights in this bar.
8. noun, slang A normal, conventional, or conservative person; a square. Usually used in the plural. The straights running this city are trying to clamp down on the makeshift communities occupying abandoned land. I always wore the craziest outfits I could come up with during high school. The bemused looks I got from the straights never ceased to amuse me.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


1. mod. honest; unembellished. Have I ever been anything but straight with you?
2. n. a tobacco cigarette; a tobacco cigarette butt. (see also slim.) No, I want a straight. That spliff makes me sneeze.
3. mod. having to do with undiluted liquor. I’ll take mine straight.
4. mod. relieved and satisfied by a dose of drugs. (Drugs.) She will be straight for a few hours, and then the same struggle all over again—all through the night.
5. mod. off drugs; no longer addicted to drugs. I’m straight now, and I’m gonna stay that way.
6. n. a square person (who does not use drugs, etc.). The straights are putting pressure on city hall to clean up this neighborhood.
7. n. a nonhomosexual; a heterosexual. (Often from the homosexual point of view.) Walter invited a few straights to the affair, just to keep things calm.
8. mod. not homosexual; not having a homosexual orientation. He wandered into a straight bar by mistake.
9. mod. excellent. This news is truly straight and I am happy to hear it.
10. mod. satisfied; having enough food or anything. Another beer? No thanks. I’m straight.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
  • (as) straight as a die
  • (as) straight as a ramrod
  • (as) straight as an arrow
  • (straight) from central casting
  • (straight) from the horse's mouth
  • (straight) out of central casting
  • a straight arrow
  • a straight face
  • a straight fight
  • be as straight as a die
  • be on the straight and narrow
  • can't see straight
  • can't think straight
  • couldn't lie straight in bed
  • damn straight
  • Damn straight!
  • from the horse's mouth
  • from the horse's mouth, straight
  • get (one's) priorities right
  • get (one's) priorities straight
  • get (one's)/the facts straight
  • get (something) straight from the horse's mouth
  • get right
  • get something right/straight
  • get something straight
  • get straight
  • get straight from the horse's mouth
  • get straight to the point
  • get the facts straight
  • get your priorities right/straight
  • give it to
  • give it to (one) straight
  • give it to me straight
  • go (straight) to the top
  • go straight
  • go straight, to
  • have (one's)/the facts straight
  • hear (something) straight from the horse's mouth
  • keep (something) straight (in one's mind/head)
  • keep (two or more people) straight (in one's mind/head)
  • keep a straight face
  • keep a straight face, to
  • keep on the straight and narrow
  • keep people straight
  • keep things straight
  • keep to the straight and narrow
  • keep to, stay on, etc. the straight and narrow
  • let's get one thing straight
  • let's get something straight
  • look straight through (one)
  • not see straight
  • on the home straight
  • on the home straight/stretch
  • on the straight and narrow
  • play a straight bat
  • play fair
  • play fair/straight
  • play it straight
  • play straight
  • put oneself straight
  • put something straight
  • put straight
  • put the record straight
  • put/set somebody straight
  • put/set the record straight
  • ramrod straight
  • right off the bat
  • right out
  • scare (someone) straight
  • set (one) straight
  • set (something) straight
  • set straight
  • set the record straight
  • shoot straight
  • stay on the straight and narrow
  • stay to the straight and narrow
  • straight
  • straight and narrow, (walk) the
  • straight and narrow, the
  • straight arrow
  • straight A's
  • straight as a die
  • straight as an arrow
  • straight away
  • straight dope
  • straight face
  • straight from the horse’s mouth
  • straight from the shoulder
  • straight goods
  • straight low
  • straight man
  • straight off
  • straight off the bat
  • straight off/out
  • straight out
  • straight out of the chute
  • straight shooter
  • straight shooter, a
  • straight talk
  • straight ticket
  • straight up
  • straight woman
  • straight-A
  • straightaway
  • straight-faced
  • the home straight
  • the home stretch
  • the straight and narrow
  • the straight dope
  • the straight goods
  • the straight low
  • think straight
  • vote a straight ticket
  • you cannot make a crab walk straight
References in periodicals archive
Old Pogue Masters Select Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 45.5% abv.
Through a massive media, public relations, and advertising "propaganda campaign." "Gays must launch a large-scale campaign--we've called it the Waging Peace campaign--to reach straights through the mainstream media," the co-authors wrote.
Conservatives may argue that allowing gay marriage endangers matrimony for straights; in fact, creating alternatives to marriage, inch as civil unions, is far more likely to undermine the institution of marriage.
I hope that, besides the three chapters of Straight Talk in the southern Ontario area, there are similar chastity education organizations elsewhere in Canada.
In the past five years, public awareness of straight edge has slowly increased through the commercial mass media of American television, newspapers, and national news magazines.
If you have a very bowed board, snap a straight line with your chalk box, then use your circular saw to get a rough straight-edge before routing.--S.S.]
Stanton, as it happens, turns up at the end of The Straight Story, as Alvin's dilapidated brother--a lean-to shack on legs--and there's something immensely satisfying about the pairing of Farnsworth and the eternally ornery ex-repo man.
I first noticed this trend in Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) where the gay couple in the story proves to be eminently more stable, mature, and poetic than any of the gaggle of rather silly straights running from bedroom to bedroom in search of true love.
Just think of what happens on The Simpsons when Marge takes a bath: She emerges from her tub with long straight blue locks.
Keeping the thighs taut and the knees straight after an eleve, the dancer descends from the full pointe by releasing to demi-pointe, then descending smoothly until the heels are on the floor.
'Just a thought, instead of [a] 'Straight Pride' parade, how about this: The 'desperately trying to bury our own gay thoughts by being homophobic because no one taught us how to access our emotions as children' parade?
15 May 2017 - Virginia, US-based wireless company Straight Path Communications Inc.'s (NYSE MKT: STRP) has signed a definitive merger agreement under which US-based Verizon Communications Inc.
In Harris County, Democratic straight tickets accounted for 35.3 percent of the overall vote, while in Dallas, straight-ticket Democrats cast 41.3 percent of the overall vote.
For instance: the messy love quadrangle that is Gay, Straight or Taken?