
straddle the fence

To not commit to a decision or take a side when presented with two or more options or possibilities. You can't straddle the fence any longer—you need to choose who of these two we need to fire. The government has been straddling the fence about legalizing marijuana for the past several years.
See also: fence, straddle
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

straddle the fence

Fig. to support both sides of an issue. (As if one were partly on either side of a fence.) The mayor is straddling the fence on this issue, hoping the public will forget it. The legislator wanted to straddle the fence until the last minute, and that alone cost her a lot of votes.
See also: fence, straddle
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

on the fence, be

Also, straddle the fence. Be undecided, not committed, as in I don't know if I'll move there; I'm still on the fence, or He's straddling the fence about the merger. This picturesque expression, with its implication that one can jump to either side, at first was applied mainly to political commitments. [Early 1800s]
See also: on
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

straddle the fence

tv. to support both sides of an issue. The mayor is straddling the fence on this issue, hoping the public will forget it.
See also: fence, straddle
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

straddle the fence

To be undecided or uncommitted.
See also: fence, straddle
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
See also:
  • straddle the fence
  • sit on the fence
  • on the fence
  • on the fence, be
  • on the fence, to be/sit
  • be on the fence
  • be sitting on the fence
  • pull (one) off the fence
  • come off the fence
  • fence hanger
References in periodicals archive
The straddle carrier market includes historical data, current market scenario as well as forecasts on every market segment.
(iv) the positions are sold or marketed as offsetting positions (whether or not such positions are called a straddle, spread, butterfly, or any similar name),
If two or more positions qualify as a straddle, a loss realized by disposing of one of the positions cannot be deducted by the taxpayer, to the extent that there is unrecognized gain in the position still owned by the taxpayer (IRC section 1092[a][1]).
DRAMA: The scene of the crash PROBE: Emergency services and the straddle carrier at the Port of Liverpool
Direct ownership of stock may be exempted from the straddle rules.
The adjustable straddle in wide position provides for stability when raising 144" high, also it permits the user to straddle the item being lifted for tight access in crowded areas.
Short Straddle: This strategy is the reverse of long straddle and is implemented by selling a call and a put option with the same underlying security, strike price and expiry date.
The unit prices for straddle carriers vary between EUR700,000-900,000.
Ilkka Annala, vice-president of the straddle carrier product line, said: "On an annual level, more than 50 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per straddle carrier can be eliminated using hybrid technology."
Angelita Maila would rather be roasting cuys, or guinea pigs, than fried plantains on the street-side grill she owns near a monument where tourists flock to straddle the equatorial line.
While we have profiled dancers who straddle several genres, like Bill Evans (Oct., 2003) and Desmond Richardson (Feb., 2003), we are always interested in hearing about more.
When employees exercise these options, the company should record the reduction in current taxes payable as a credit to APIC to the extent it exceeds the deferred tax asset, if any Exhibit 3, below, illustrates the impact of NQSOs that straddle the effective date.</p> <pre> Exhibit 3 NQSOs Straddling the Effective Date Assume ABC Co.
The solution came in the form of the Kentruck B69E straddle stackers, electric lift and propulsion.
By retooling all milling operations on the line, especially the overheated straddle milling step, USM has more than tripled edge life and pocketed more than $200,000 a year in machining cost savings.
The court heard a long running petrol war between Chivers and Straddle Service Station owner Sean McCrory was behind the incident.