References in classic literature
"Hallo!" cried one of the boys, "look at this old stick! I wonder how it came here"; and he picked the rocket out of the ditch.
"Sober old stick, Thomson," her brother observed, as they started off.
"Yaas, to be sure I do," drawled Lord Ingram; "and the poor old stick used to cry out 'Oh you villains childs!'--and then we sermonised her on the presumption of attempting to teach such clever blades as we were, when she was herself so ignorant."
He was a decent old stick, and everybody seemed to like him.
GARY Rowett faces the old stick or twist selection quandary when he takes his Birmingham City team to Derby County tomorrow.
He's a good old stick and maybe at the age of seven we have worked out how to train him."
Talking of which, wasn't David Bradley incredible as Hartnell - the grumpy old stick who, sick to death of being typecast as shouty sergeant major types, took a punt on a kid's show about a mad old duffer who travels the galaxy in an old police box.
And that dry old stick Lord Justice Leveson must have been really hacked off when he first found out about them.
Old stick in the mud I may be, but I don't want my afternoon book binge shattered by the blood-curdling howl of the Hound Of The Baskerville or the ringing of swords as those Three Musketeers start swashing and buckling all over again.
I knew why, but the fans didn't and I got some fair old stick from them.
Matisse, and that dry old stick, Alberti with his Santa Maria Novella plus Bryan Avery (I thought he ran a rival practice) are all mentioned along with a short piece discussing the company logo: 'Our logo is a scientifically accurate representation of what we see combining logic and accuracy with a timeless perspective of art and creation'.
Robert Alner's inmate certainly likes a test of stamina and is a reliable old stick who should give another decent showing here.
"Everybody knows we are Newcastle fans and we get some right old stick. The London taxi drivers are the worst but we are ready for them tonight.
It may be donkey's years since he went in search of King Solomon's Mines but Alan Quartermain (Sean Connery) is still a tough old stick with the instincts of the great white hunter.
Like an old stick of furniture, an unexpected remnant