
boost up

To hoist someone or something up to a higher point. A noun or pronoun can be used between "boost" and "up." I boosted up my daughter so that she could get a better view of the giraffes at the zoo. Boost me up so I can spy on them through the window! Boost up that box before it falls.
See also: boost, up

signal boost

1. verb To share particular information online in order to raise awareness of it or expose it to a larger audience. Hey, will you signal boost our charity event this weekend? If you retweet those trolls, you're just signal boosting them, and that's exactly what they want.
2. noun An increase in the awareness or exposure of particular information online, typically achieved through the sharing of it by someone with a large following. Hey, if you could share our charity event, you could really give it a signal boost. Don't retweet those trolls—you're just going to give them the signal boost they're looking for.
See also: boost, signal
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

boost someone up

to give someone a helpful lift up to something. She boosted me up so I could get into the window. They boosted up the child for a better view.
See also: boost, up
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.


1. tv. & in. to steal or shoplift something. (Underworld.) He specializes in boosting meat for resale.
2. tv. to praise or hype someone or something; to support someone or something. She is always boosting some cause.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • orient
  • orient to
  • orient to (something)
  • not do (someone or oneself) any favors
  • rescue from
  • rescue from (someone or something)
  • identify with
  • attune to
  • ask back
  • involved with
References in periodicals archive
Alex Maffeo , Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Boost Insurance
Thanks to close collaboration with various partners, OPPO combined the optimization engines with devices, chip platforms, applications across the industry chain--Hyper Boost provides a type of underlying optimization that will lead to a fully elevated user experience for Android smartphones.
The topology has been verified for both in boost and buck modes.
At a time when children are addicted to virtual gaming platforms, Boost Play the Pros platform not only gave the kids a sense of competition but also a reason to be out on a field performing physically.
Boost converter is a type of DC-DC converter allowing the electrical potential (voltage) at its output to be greater than, the input; the output of the Boost is controlled by the duty cycle.
Waste gate is used traditionally to control turbo speed and max boost pressure.
[47] derived a modified algorithm for boosted generalized additive models for location, scale, and shape (GAMLSS [48]) to allow a combination of this very flexible model class with stability selection.
Buy One Get One Free: Available for a limited time in participating Boost retail stores, new customers can get up to two free smartphones when activating a family plan.
Boost Mobile customers can earn up to 3GB more high-speed data for their monthly plan by making on-time payments.
The money raised in the fundraising process will be deployed for the expansion of the company's product reach beyond paid search and into social, display and mobile ad optimisation, as well as for deepening analytics on creative strategies, Boost Media said.
They also discussed aspects of cooperation and support from the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights (UNHCHR) to the NIHR in order to boost, develop and protect human rights
Nestle is adapting the communications strategy for its Boost adult nutrition brand accordingly, with a robust digital platform and increased resources for self-care to support those who are proactive about their health.
<a href="" target="_blank">The idea of lawmakers from the ruling Bulgarian Socialist Party, BSP, to ban the large retail chains in the country from working on weekend days in order to boost smaller stores has become a laughing stock on Twitter.
The four products in this new line include Calcium Boost, Immunity Boost, Energy Boost and Magnesium Boost.
BUSINESSES across Northern Ireland are expecting a cash boost from the G8 Summit next month, researchers have revealed.