take the coward's way out

take the coward's way out

euphemism To kill oneself; to commit suicide. His father was millions of dollars in debt, but rather than face up to his obligations, he just took the coward's way out. No matter how things get, I will never take the coward's way out.
See also: out, take, way
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

take the coward's way out

Euph. to kill oneself. When faced with financial disaster, Sarah took the coward's way out. I can't believe that Bill would take the coward's way out. His death must have been an accident.
See also: out, take, way
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • die by (one's) own hand
  • die by own hand
  • debt to nature
  • maker
  • be gathered to (one's) fathers
  • a bit of how's your father
  • between jobs
  • between projects
  • a visit from the stork
  • be in an interesting condition