She never was abashed and is not abashed now, so she cannot be a bad woman!" He had often begun to make reflections or
think aloud in her company, and she had always answered him either by a brief but appropriate remark- showing that it did not interest her- or by a silent look and smile which more palpably than anything else showed Pierre her superiority.
War and Peace
They received oral and written instructions on how to
think aloud. Each TAPPS student was randomly assigned a listening partner.
Effects of think-aloud pair problem solving on secondary-level students' performance in career and technical education courses
There were 30 underlined words for which the subjects were asked to find equivalent in Persian without using any dictionary and had to mention how they guessed the meaning through a
think aloud questionnaire.
On the Relationship between Morphology Knowledge and Quality of Translation
To give the psychologist an insight into their cognition, participants will be have to
think aloud whilst answering each question, after which they will discuss their experiences and the benefits they gain from walking.
Volunteers needed to show how we can walk our way to health
The university instructor may "
think aloud," or model the process of reflective thinking and writing in regard to the class session's topics or activities.
Scaffolding enables reflective thinking to become a disposition
During my demonstration, I try to "
think aloud" about my strategies to model the process of effective searching.
Library instruction assessment in upper-level courses
Although research suggests that thinking aloud is important during strategy acquisition, there is no evidence that students in general are better problem solvers when they
think aloud (Montague, 1997a).
In addition, a number of studies involving problem solving under '
think aloud' and 'silence' conditions have shown that verbalization does not affect behavioural manifestations of thought processes, but only decreases the speed slightly of performance (Carrol & Payne, 1977; Ericsson & Simon, 1980; Karpf, 1973; Kazdin, 1976; Perkins, 1979 Roth, 1966).
The role of cognitive bias and skill in fruit machine gambling
The training and testing passages, the strategy questionnaires, the "
think aloud" procedures, and the dependent measures were constant across conditions.
Reading comprehension instruction: summarization and self-monitoring training for students with learning disabilities
By engaging in several student
think aloud assessment conversations over time, with a variety of authentic texts, teachers can gain additional feedback.
Student think aloud--a window into readers' thinking
In this research, they used
think aloud methods to better understand how interventions to improve readability affected student performance.
Student Think Aloud Reflections on Comprehensible and Readable Assessment Items: Perspectives on What Does and Does Not Make an Item Readable. Technical Report 48
The students were encouraged to "
think aloud" and give explanations for their selections so that we could identify any questions that the students were interpreting differently than we had intended.
Implementing a Web-Based Adaptive Senior Exit Survey for Undergraduates
The final benefit of this clinical experience was that the student teachers were motivated to
think aloud and lead discussions of the student teaching experience.
Annotated Observations: Field Notes and Reflections
This report provides information on the use of "
think aloud methods" to detect design issues in large-scale assessments.
Using the Think Aloud Method (Cognitive Labs) to Evaluate Test Design for Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners. Technical Report 44
Since it is a
think aloud protocol-based case study, the final sample of the present research consisted of 12 students in three different years (first, third and fourth) in the English language section at Benha Faculty of Education.
Translation Strategies of EFL Student Teachers: A Think Aloud Protocol-Based Case Study