But the
thingamajig dropped to two stars after failing another key test: underneath the screw lid of the tomato sauce, the bottle top was a sorry mess.
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"I think it's on your side of the medicine cabinet right near that battery-operated doohickey you have for trimming the hairs in your nose," she said, fortunately not taking me up on my distinction between thingamabobs and
Doohickeys befuddling what's-his-face
"He also said the pipes in the attic might be frozen so to wait until he got up and jimmied a
thingamajig that would somehow get them flowing again," Linda chattered.
Relative cold: are we becoming frigid in Canada?
Hurdy gurdy means "
thingamajig", while bar cwtch is a warning for others to stay away from your spot or place while picking blackberries.
Watch out for a bar cwtch if you're out with your gambo; Old Welsh terms unearthed for book on English language gems
I have a tendency to mumble about technical matters like an old mechanic: "Let's put the
thingamajig before the whoosits here" is how I usually state the deepest literary problems to myself.
The hazards and sources of writing
6 Hershey's
Thingamajig candy bar (limited edition), 1.5 oz.
Top 50 now drug channel items (13 weeks ended march 22)
"Peter," as Dicdrich Diederichsen points out in his essay for Goldstein's catalogue, translated for Kippenberger as "
thingamajig"--the implication being that the sculptures encapsulate a series of studio jokes on the reification of formal strategies into artistic "brands." So we get a little Judd, some Buren, Warhol, and Bruce Conner, some Trockel and Artschwager with a bit of Robert Morris.
Out of position
Thingamajig aren't you?' I said, 'Yes, and you have even remembered my unusual surname'." Comedian Stanley Baxter.
Quotes of the year; Would you rather everything you said was printed in the newspapers, or that everything you thought was broadcast on the radio? Alas, some poor celebrities don't get the choice - here's a selection of what the great, the good and the just plain infamous said in 2008
As Toot says, "He knew that the best present was usually something you made yourself, a one-of-kind
thingamajig, not just a whatsit anyone could buy in a store." We can all use that reminder.
Toot & Puddle: Let it Snow
The surest way to frustrate a service rep or entice a dishonest gunsmith is to call a part a "
Basic manly skills
Apparently it's Spanish for '
thingamajig' - another great word.
dining: Taste of Latin was nothing to get excited about; LAS IGUANAS, BIRMINGHAM
Yes, it's that funny
thingamajig up in the Rockies in Colorado called The International that comes up most years as a warm-up for the final Major, the USPGA Championship.
Golf: Big Easy can hose up after his Open morale booster; GOLF: THE INTERNATIONAL
More than half our survey group had bought an electric kitchen
thingamajig sometime in the past year.
The text may be about widgets, but what do you do if the author calls them "doohickeys," the latest buzzword is "
thingamajig," and the closest concept in your controlled vocabulary is "gadgets"?
What's new in indexing
Homer's use of the -ma- infix may also be related to the -ma- in whatchamacallit, thingamabob,
thingamajig, thingumajog, and gigamaree.
The Simpsons: embiggening our language with cromulent words