bona fide owners can be regarded as holders of property
The constitutional regulation of property rights
The court found that under the Sochurek test, Sanders had been a
bona fide resident of the U.S.
Taxpayer was a bona fide resident of U.S. Virgin Islands
In unpublished remarks, including those made during an October 2013 Mortgage Bankers Association--sponsored (MBA-sponsored) webinar (see, the CFPB has indicated that lenders may permit
bona fide discount points to reduce a borrower's rate even if the rate was first increased as a result of LLPAs.
A game of semantics
The first issue the Tax Court examined was whether the property was transferred via a
bona fide sale to the FLP.
Estate planning/taxation
Si quis id, quod possidet, non putat sibi per leges licere usucapere, dicendum est, etiamsi erret, non procedere tamen eius usucapionem, vel quia non
bona fide videatur possidere vel qui in iure erranti non procedat usucapio.
The essence of bona fides and its relation to the theory of error/A essencia da bona fides e sua relacao com a teoria do erro
The Board of Selectmen deemed it was not a
bona fide offer for the town to purchase the property because it contained contingencies.
Builder says offer valid; Lawsuit filed over subdivision
So, by channeling the fringe benefit portion of the prevailing wage into a
bona fide plan, you're reducing payroll costs.
Turning prevailing wages into employee benefits and cash savings
Interestingly, the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act also provides that the express prohibition against age discrimination does not apply to prevent a
bona fide plan, scheme, or practice of mandatory retirement, which seems contradictory to the prohibition against age discrimination.
Working overtime: mandatory retirement in Canada
Jason is more than just a vandal; he's also a bully, an arsonist, and a
bona fide juvenile delinquent.
Simmons, Michael. Vandal
In that letter, Klicka explained that in Texas, any private school operating in the home is a
bona fide private school, provided that the parents meet certain curriculum requirements, which the Riveras met with ease.
HSLDA gets family out of hot water
"The value of the gross estate shall include the value of all property to the extent of any interest therein of which the decedent has at any time made a transfer (except in the case of a
bona fide sale for an adequate and full consideration in money or money's worth), by trust or otherwise, under which he has retained for his life or for any period not ascertainable without reference to his death or for any period which does not in fact end before his death--
FLP litigation: have Strangi and Bongard provided clarification, guidance on FLPs?
This nifty unit consistently gets top test ratings, and on our extended test drive it performed flawlessly--detecting
bona fide X and K band police radar over hills, straightaways, and curves in time to slow us down and avoid unwanted attention.
On the road again: if your commute has turned your car into a second home, then why not throw yourself a housewarming party?
The legislation would continue to allow mandatory retirement policies where it can be justified on "
bona fide occupational requirement" grounds determined under the Human Rights Code.
Retirement bill introduced in legislature
As stipulated in the fiscal law, appropriated funds are to be applied using three major rules: (1) an appropriation may only be expended for the stated purpose; (2) one cannot obligate the government in excess or in advance of the appropriation (the ADA); and (3) a fiscal year appropriation may be obligated only to meet a
bona fide or legitimate need arising in the fiscal year for which the appropriation was made.
Federal fiscal operations and maintenance funding rules: what contract managers need to know; Maintaining vigilance in O & M funding issues and sharing knowledge among the agency's management and employees is a necessity--not an option
Marshall Field's is a
bona fide cultural institution.
Tour information