short temper

short temper

A tendency to become angered, enraged, or upset very quickly or easily. I'm usually a pretty calm person, but whenever I start driving, I find I have such a short temper. That short temper of yours is going to get you into trouble one of these days.
See also: short, temper
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • have a quick temper
  • quick temper
  • short fuse
  • a short fuse
  • fuse
  • have (got) a short fuse
  • be on a short fuse
  • be on/have a short fuse
  • have a short fuse
  • lose temper
References in periodicals archive
One of Woosnam's teachers recalls a fairly untalkative, fiercely determined pupil with a short temper and a burning desire to succeed.
Crowe is renowned for his short temper and love of a row.
David Jones, prosecuting, said Glover, who gave birth to Shane in April last year, had a short temper and, although she was on occasions affectionate towards the child she also, in temper, frequently assaulted him.
Actress Beverley Callard has spent nine years in the top soap playing Liz, famed for her short temper and even shorter skirts.
London, Mar 30 (ANI): Elizabeth Hurley has said that she has a short temper and can blow her top in traffic congestion, flight delays and even air fresheners.
Leary - whose dad John and mum Nora were born in Ireland - has a reputation for having a short temper.
He had a short temper and it was alleged that he had assaulted her once before but she had not reported it to the police.
Derek Laud, 40, 20/1 HIS short temper and late night cereal binge contradicts his waffle on the importance of respect, but he's entertaining
A man with a short temper murdered an eight-month-old boy when he was left alone with the "grizzly" child, a court heard yesterday.
Keegan has decided that Barton's short temper is too much of a risk and favours Paul Bosvelt and Claudio Reyna.
She suspects (and that's her job, after all) that his short temper is because she has just been promoted way above him.
We also used to call him the BFG and he had a short temper at times.
Publicity-shy Naomi now chooses Piers's BBC1 ratings-winner to unburden her soul about her life, loves, short temper, history of mobile phone throwing, and her drug addiction - as well as that infamous court battle.
A BABY whose dad has "a very short temper" died with brain damage and a fractured skull, a jury in a murder trial heard yesterday.
But lawyer Danny Morin arrived late for the hearing in Los Angeles and judge Manuel Real, who is famed for his short temper, threw out the case.