chapter and verse

Related to chapter and verse: give chapter and verse

chapter and verse

In thorough and exact detail. Likened to the ability to quote a passage of Scripture by citing the exact chapter and verse where it appears. If you need to be updated on the case, ask Stan—he can cite it chapter and verse. I know the manual chapter and verse. Which part are you looking for?
See also: and, chapter, verse

give chapter and verse

To provide full, specific, and authoritative information to support some quote, question, or issue at hand. Can also be used with similar verbs such as "offer," "cite," quote," etc. It is a reference to quoting Scripture. Don't try to debate Sarah about physics. She'll give chapter and verse until you realize she's right. You can't be so vague if you want to convince me. You'll have to give chapter and verse.
See also: and, chapter, give, verse
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

chapter and verse

Fig. very specifically detailed, in reference to sources of information. (A reference to the method of referring to biblical text.) He gave chapter and verse for his reasons for disputing that Shakespeare had written the play. The suspect gave chapter and verse of his associate's activities.
See also: and, chapter, verse
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

chapter and verse

The precise authority backing up a statement or view; established rules for or detailed information about something. For example, You can't withdraw a card after you've played it; I'll cite you the rules, chapter and verse . The term alludes to the chapter and verse of a quotation from the Bible, long regarded as an ultimate authority. [Early 1600s]
See also: and, chapter, verse
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

chapter and verse

If you give someone chapter and verse on a subject, you tell them all the details of it, without missing anything out. It gives chapter and verse on how to select a product. When we expressed doubts they handed us the proof, chapter and verse. Note: This expression refers to the practice of giving precise chapter and verse numbers when quoting passages from the Bible.
See also: and, chapter, verse
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

chapter and verse

an exact reference or authority.
Chapter and verse was originally used to refer to the numbering of passages in the Bible. It is now also used more generally to refer to any (usually written) authority for something.
See also: and, chapter, verse
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

ˌchapter and ˈverse

the exact details of something, especially the exact place where particular information may be found: I can’t give you chapter and verse, but I can tell you that the lines she quoted come from a Brecht play.This originally referred to books of the Bible, which are divided into chapters with numbered divisions called verses.
See also: and, chapter, verse
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

chapter and verse

mod. in the finest detail. (From the chapter and verse organization of the Bible.) He could recite the law concerning state-funded libraries, chapter and verse.
See also: and, chapter, verse
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

chapter and verse, cite/give

Back up a statement or belief by citing the precise authority on which it is based. The chapter and verse refer to the Bible, which was long considered the ultimate authority, and was (and is) frequently quoted by the clergy with precise attribution to the exact chapter and verse. The figurative use, referring to any established set of rules, dates from the seventeenth century and was long very common, but is heard less often today.
See also: and, chapter, cite, give
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • chapter and verse, cite/give
  • give chapter and verse
  • verse
  • cite (something) chapter and verse
  • in unison
  • at (some time) sharp
  • at some time sharp
  • get with
  • get with (someone or something)
  • get with someone
References in periodicals archive
Mike Murphy, trainer of Chapter And Verse "He likes the track and has to go for a race like this as there are few handicaps for him with his rating."
LANDMARK: Michael Hills gets the grey Chapter And Verse home for the 3000th winner
FAMILY AFFAIR: Michael Hills steered Chapter And Verse to victory for his father yesterday
Not the barman who serves the man with the keys in his hand,not the mate who offers him the drink in the first place, not the woman who watches from across the bar and says nothing, not the police chiefs who feel their officers' time is better spent elsewhere,not the girl (I hold my hands up) who thinks she's doing no harm in having one drink before driving home,and certainly not the scum bag who can recite the drink drive slogans chapter and verse yet still gets wasted then drives home.
Levin, president of the nonprofit Landmark Legal Foundation, says his firm "provided the IRS with a chapter and verse road map into the union's political expenditures."
Substantial chapters cover the Wren period, the Palladians and the 'Adam' ceiling in all its manifestations - the treatment of these flat Neo-Classical ceilings has long been a decorators' battle-ground, it is a relief to have chapter and verse on Adam's intentions and practice.
The anonymous bonus hunter had two choices in the Totescoop6 London Mile and picked Clockmaker and Tartan Trip, but they both had to settle for minor roles as 25-1 shot Chapter And Verse finished strongly to beat stablemate Red Somerset to land a one-two for trainer Mike Murphy.