
Related to bolus: bolus dose, bolus injection


A doctor. What did the bolus say about your bloodwork?
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. a physician. (From the Latin name for a pill.) The bolus kept trying to get me to lose weight.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • pillow-biter
  • (something) blows
  • don't spare the horses
  • on one's
  • on someone's
  • (as) gay as a three-dollar bill
  • (Have you) been OK?
  • a copy
  • out of one's
  • (I've) got to go
References in periodicals archive
Mr Molao pointed out that ear-tagging was advantageous to farmers as they could tag their animals themselves, unlike with the bolus system where they depended on veterinary officers to place the bolus into the animal.
From table 1 it is clear that Time taken to achieve ideal intubating conditions after initial bolus dose that is TOF '0' among vecuronium and atracurium groups was 4.2 [+ or -] and 4.3 [+ or -] 0.8 min respectively and statistically similar in both the groups and were comparable with a p value =0.712.
The following parameters were monitored: HR, mean arterial pressure (MAP), BIS during surgery and BIS before and after the inhalational bolus technique.
The primary objective of this study was to determine if the bolus IV insulin method was effective in treating DKA.
Highly significant difference in adherence status between basal bolus and premix insulin was noted (p value <0.05).
After eight days, he suffered a cardiac arrest, ALS was started and intravenous bolus of 1.000.000 IU of urokinase was administered.
Results: The Oxytocin when administered as an intravenous infusion showed statistically significant effects on heart rate when compared with bolus group from 1 minute to 15 minute (p<0.001).
Further comparison between viscosities showed that the swallow durations of SMs and IMs in the pudding bolus condition were significantly longer than those in water and nectar bolus conditions in the same group (healthy group: P = 0.003 and P = 0.008; patient group: all P < 0.001).
According to the Canadian company, the 3D Bolus Software is an advanced software solution that enables the creation of customized personal medical devices using 3D printing in the treatment of cancer.
In conjunction with HRM, impedance monitoring allowed tracking the swallowed bolus in relation to esophageal pressure topography.
*Approximately, 6-7 units of bolus insulin before each major meal (TDS insulin
Due to inadequate supply of essential trace elements, supplementation of long acting rumen trace element bolus is considered important for the alleviation of the minerals deficiency (Alhidary et al., 2016a, b).
The next thing we want to tackle is trying to reduce the time from arrival to fluid bolus," said Dr.
Thirty-eight children (aged 6-16 years) with a severe asthma attack that was not associated with an infection and that had failed to improve after two hours of standard therapy were randomly assigned to receive, in open-label fashion, a bolus of magnesium sulfate (50 mg per kg of body weight over 1 hour) or a high-dose prolonged magnesium sulfate infusion of (50 mg per kg per hour for 4 hours; maximum, 8 g over 4 hours).
A swallowing will be triggered when the food transforms into a cohesive bolus [1].